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Serious human relationship
stuff here. The relationship failed. Failure is failure and those involved in that failure are culpable. Yes there are degrees of culpability but assigning blame usually only satisfies yourself. I said usually. Human relationship, loving and in love relationship is the hardest and most rewarding relationship you will ever have.

So why is this stuff here on a coaching site? Well because I've been through a number of things that got me from there to here just like everybody else.

I have said for decades that love is not unconditional. The only unconditional love there might be is that of a parent for a child. No matter what path the child takes, the parent loves that child even though they may not like them or what they do. It happens, Blue Whale it.

As soon as you enter in to a relationship of any kind conditions start being taken on. The taking on of conditions is normal and usual and you may not even be aware it is happening. My thesaurus gives this as one of the explanations for conditions, “the set of circumstances that affect someone's welfare”. In relationships, welfare to me means the emotional welfare. Hey if you're physically reckless with someones welfare I don't see you being in any long term relationship.

With a possible in love relationship, even in the beginning the first condition taken on is fidelity. That just doesn't mean the physical relations as the sexual aspect may have not yet taken place in a burgeoning relationship. You see and are intimate with only one. Intimate doesn't mean sex in this scenario. Intimate in this form is a noun and intimate is very rare as a noun. It means someone you share your private thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams and the stuff you did that you're embarrassed by and sorry for. One person you share with and confide in, or a confidante if you like.

The ultimate everything in human relationship to my mind is this. I want and need in one person, love, lover, friend and confidante. Someone who loves you enough and isn't afraid to hold your hair back and explain it to your dumb ass when needed. In return that person gets the same from me. I gave all those things to one person and I hope one day to have them all again with one person.

I honestly believe you try and keep animosity out of the equation when a relationship breaks up. Don't engage in petty bickering. Don't point fingers. It is done, bury it and move on. The faster you can end all interaction the better. Of course that doesn't apply to people when children are involved because you must communicate for the well being of the kids. Even in those communications you are best confining the conversation to the kids.

The first 5 pieces below all came out rather quickly prior to and as I suspected, the imminent break up. The 6th, "Princess Down" came about later because it had to be done. They are the final words in a letter of dissolution if you like. My sense, senses and sensibility were attacked. It was not respected that I didn't want to talk and that I wasn't interested in anything the individual had to say.

The individual I was involved with has seen every one of the first 6 poems below. The 7th and 8th poems, at the time of this writing have not been seen and there is a window if I care to use it to let them be seen. I would be completely within my rights to do so because my commentary was made allowable by anothers deed.

By refusing to respect my wishes and feelings (see the rules of life annotated) and the individual I was involved with knew it because I taught it to her. Correction I thought I taught it to her because by action it proved she hadn't grasped what I taught her. She invalidated my feelings to convey what she wanted to say. Because of outstanding matters, the return of the book I wrote for one, I could not just delete the email or put up a block. I had to read it.

I had repeatedly taken the high road and stayed quiet. I couldn't keep "schum" anymore. I had turned all four of my cheeks multiple times and got them all repeatedly slapped. I just wasn't letting it happen anymore. An attitude correction of the mental state and the positional state had to be installed in the attacker. Believe it or don't.

What I am saying in a nutshell is at some point you have to stand up for yourself. People cannot be allowed to think or believe your silence is an acquiescence. They must learn and understand it is not permissible to run roughshod over you and just impose on you their want and will without repercussion.
Ideally of course you hope when there is relationship break up, any kind of relationship it never comes to having to take a hard line with the other person. It isn't fun.

A couple more things before you read these poems. I am well aware there are three sides to every story. Yours, mine and the truth. There are two "damning" poems and one is directed at yours truly. I wasn't in it alone and I'm culpable too!

1. A Fine Lass
2. Heartfelt Heart Promise
3. Never Enough
4. World Apart
5. Demise Of A Promise
6. Princess Down (The Poetry)
7. Dodo
8. The Ending
9. Final Words
10. Extra Innings
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She Sleeps
The piece, "She Sleeps" is simple, clean, elegant and in a style I very much love. The model was posed not just asleep when I took the shot that was the inspiration for the piece.

Duality? I love the piece and despite that there was a messy break up this piece lives and gets displayed. There is no animosity or anger or hate in my art because "I BELIEVE" there is no place in art for that mindset. Bleeding On The Page in poetry is a different medium and a vastly different discipline! A number of years ago I was given a key fob and a leather journal as a birthday gift. I still have both and cherish them. Etched on the key fob is this statement, "Art is long. Life is short.". I hope my works live a long, long time and despite what may be underlying in myself, I refuse to have a visible ugliness as part of that legacy.