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Web Changes
This is where we'll
announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want
to know what's changed, take a look here first.

Meet the HAUG Leaders
- See the press release for more details.
Meeting Room
- See the press release for more details.

What It Takes...
As with anything done in life there is a process involved in the creation of a new
entity. HAUG has taken many hours of our founders time to organize and market this
new group. We are proud of our efforts and want to make sure that the group grows.
Being too few to make this growth happen, we need your help. Volunteers keep
non-profit groups like ours alive, please help. The following list will be
constantly updated showing what help the group needs in terms of manpower. If you
can fill any of these roles, please step forward and notify HAUG. Your help is
greatly appreciated! Membership in HAUG and a current e-mail address are
necessary to hold any of the positions below. Listed after the
descriptions are the current members holding that seat. Positions that are
open will always be voted on at the next meeting.
 | President, Officer seat, shall preside
over meetings and be responsible for coordinating all of the officers'
duties. (Keith
A. Siville) |
 | Vice President, Officer seat, shall preside
over meetings in the absence of the President and make arrangements for
speakers/demonstrators as directed by the President. (Greg
A. Gootee) |
 | Secretary, Officer Seat, shall be responsible
for new member development and notification to the newsletter editor of upcoming activities or
news of the group. (Melissa
Loyd) |
 | Treasurer, Officer Seat, shall be responsible
for collecting and disbursing monies collected for the operation of the
group. The Treasurer shall also maintain the mailing lists for the
newsletter. (Shane
Stremming) |
 | Librarian, Officer Seat, shall maintain the
Group's library of drawings, programs, and publications and make them available to all
members. |
 | Organization Manager, Volunteer, shall locate
and book facilities, foods and materials needed for monthly meetings. Self
motivated. (Sean
Ziebell) |
 | Group Artist, Volunteer, responsible for
producing any artwork that HAUG will need in the flyers, web pages and other productions
for the organization. |