Many things happen before the series even started, which we find out about much later in the story (through the characters' dialogue, and sometimes flashbacks and specials). This timeline will list all known major events in chronological order, but is not to scale. The number of the years are estimates, and by no means accurate. The estimate comes the only instance when a year number was mentioned--When Trunks finds out what year in the future Cell comes from.

The timeline can be divided into the following sections:

Pre-Dragon Ball
Beginning of Series
The Red Ribbon Army
First Return of Pilaf
The 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai
Piccolo Daimaoh
The 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai
The Saiyajin/Freeza Storyline
The Artificial Humans
The Cell Game
The Great Saiyaman/Majin Archive
The Series Finale

      --Cell Game Starts--        |
      Mr. Satan fights Cell.  Cell|   A reporter and camera man films
      stands still and tolerates  |   the Cell Game.
      many punches and kicks from |
      Mr. Satan, and then wiped   |
      Mr. Satan off the stage (to |
      a nearby mountain).         |   Goku fights Cell.  Cell finds
                                  |   out Goku can teleport.
      Goku surrenders, and calls  |
      Gohan as the next fighter.  |   Goku gives Cell a senzu.
      Cell tries to get Gohan mad |
      so Gohan can be more power- |
      ful.                        |   Cell takes all the senzu from
                                  |   Kuririn.
      #16 grabs Cell and tries to |
      self-destruct, but finds out|
      that the bomb inside him was|
      disabled when Dr. Briefs    |   Cell destroys #16; #16's head
      repaired him.               |   rolls near Mr. Satan and the
                                  |   reporter.
      Cell generates seven Cell   |
      Juniors to fight with the   |   #16 asks Mr. Satan to toss him
      other fighters.             |   next to Gohan.
      #16 tries to convince Gohan |
      to use his full power; Cell |
      steps on #16's head as #16  |
      asks Gohan to protect the   |
      trees and animals (which #16|
      likes so much).             |   Gohan goes beserk, takes the
                                  |   bag of senzu from Cell, and
                                  |   kills all seven Cell Juniors.
      Gohan defeats Cell, but     |
      doesn't kill him yet because|
      he wants Cell to suffer.    |   Cell spits out #18, and is no
                                  |   longer in "Perfect" form.
      Cell sets himself to self-  |   (#18 is unconscious)
      destruct, and begins to     |
      expand like a balloon.      |   Goku says goodbye to everyone,
                                  |   tells Gohan to say sorry to
                                  |   Chichi for him, and teleports
                                  |   Cell and himself to Kaiou-sama's
      Cell explodes, destroying   |   little planetoid.
      the planetoid, Goku, Kaiou- |
      sama, and Bubbles, Kaiou-   |
      sama's pet ape.             |
      Kuririn picks up #18.       |   Kaiou-sama and Goku find out
                                  |   that Cell didn't die.
      Cell teleports back (in     |
      Perfect form) to earth, and |   Vegeta goes beserk and shoots
      kills Trunks with one blast.|   ki-blasts like crazy at Cell;
                                  |   Cell takes no damage, punches
                                  |   Vegeta to the ground, and
      Gohan tries to protect      |   throws a fireball at Vegeta.
      Vegeta, and his left arm    |
      becomes seriously injured   |
      as a result.                |   Cell prepares for a full-
                                  |   strength Kamehameha.
      Vegeta apologizes to Gohan  |
      for being a burden.         |   Gohan gives up, but gets
                                  |   encouraged by Goku (speaking
                                  |   to him through Kaiou-sama), and
                                  |   also powers up for a Kamehameha.
      Gohan's Kamehameha seems    |
      weaker than Cells; as Cell  |
      is about to go for the kill,|
      he is destracted by a ki-   |
      blast from Vegeta.          |
                                  |   Gohan finally uses his full-
      Tenshinhan picks up Trunks, |   strength, and kills Cell.
      Kuririn is still holding    |
      #18, Yamcha picks up Gohan, |
      and they head back to Kami- |
      sama's temple.              |   Piccolo offers to help Vegeta,
                                  |   who refuses.  Piccolo also heads
                                  |   for the temple.
      Vegeta leaves, saying he    |
      won't fight anymore.        |   Mr. Satan (who saw everything)
                                  |   is still confused about what
      The reporter and camera man |   happened.
      wake up, and ask Mr. Satan  |
      what happened.              |   Mr. Satan tell them that HE
                                  |   defeated Cell, and everyone left
      Dende heals everyone, #18   |   after thanking him.
      being the last one he heals.|
                                  |   Gohan figures out that Kuririn
                                  |   likes #18, and shouts it out.
      #18 flies off, mocking      |
      Kuririn.                    |   Shen Lon is summoned.
      #18 hides behind a post to  |
      see what's going on.        |   Everyone who died because of
                                  |   Cell are resurrected (except
                                  |   for the ones who've been revived
      Goku tells everyone (through|   before, lik Goku).
      Kaiou-sama) not to try and  |
      revive him, and that Kaiou- |
      sama also refused           |
      resurrection to accompany   |   Kuririn makes a wish to make #18
      Goku.                       |   and #17 normal humans; the wish
                                  |   is rejected (beyond Shen Lon's
                                  |   power), so Kuririn wishes for the
                                  |   bomb in their bodies to be de-
      Tenshinhan asks why Kuririn |   activated.
      included #17, Kuririn says  |
      #18 and #17 seem to be more |
      suited for each other (since|
      #18 doesn't seem to take    |
      interest in Kuririn).       |   #18 jumps out, saying that she
                                  |   and #17 are twins, and that she
                                  |   won't thank Kuririn for de-
                                  |   activating the bombs.  However,
                                  |   she says "See ya" instead of a
      Tenshinhan leaves, saying   |   regular "Goodbye."
      Chaozu might be worried, and|
      that they probably won't    |
      meet again.                 |   Everyone goes home, Yamcha tells
                                  |   Trunks what Vegeta did when
                                  |   Trunks got killed.
      Trunks leaves for his own   |
      time the next morning.      |
                                  |   The people renamed the city Mr.
                                  |   Satan lives at to "Satan City."
      (c. Year 766)---------------|
      Goten is born.              |
      (Unknown year)              |
      Vegeta and Bulma are        |   Kuririn and #18 are married,
      married (or at least living |   living at the Kame House, and
      together).                  |   have a daughter.
      (c. Year 770)---------------|
      -==Great Saiyaman/The Majin Archive==-
      Gohan goes to Orange Star   |
      High School in Satan City   |
      to register and pick-up info|
      twice (and foils two        |   Word spreads of a new super
      robberies).                 |   hero in Satan City.
      Gohan's first day at Orange |
      Star High School, stops     |
      another robbery on his way  |
      to school, meets Videl, Mr. |   Gohan asks Bulma to make him
      Satan's daughter in class.  |   a disguise device.
      Gohan becomes the Great     |
      Saiyaman.                   |   Gohan save Videl from a criminal
                                  |   who was about to shoot her;
                                  |   Videl figures out Gohan's
      Videl asks Gohan to teach   |   "secret identity" and forces him
      her to fly.                 |   to join the next Tenkaichi
                                  |   Budokai.
      Gohan goes to Bulma for a   |
      new disguise to use at the  |   Vegeta decides to enter the
      Budokai, since helmets are  |   Budokai; Goku decides to use his
      forbidden.                  |   one day back for it, too.
      Gohan tells Kuririn, #18,   |
      Kamesennin, Piccolo, and    |   Kuririn introduced with HAIR!!
      Dende about the Budokai;    |   Kuririn and #18's daughter, 
      Kuririn, #18, and Piccolo   |   Marron (name unknown at the
      decide to enter the Budokai |   time) is introduce.
      as well.                    |
      Gohan informs Chichi about  |
      the prize money offered for |   Gohan begins training with
      the champion of the Budokai |   Goten.  We find out both Goten
      and Chichi allows him to    |   and Trunks can turn into Super
      enter.                      |   Saiyajin.  Goten, however,
                                  |   can't fly.
      Videl shows up at Gohan's   |
      house for Gohan to teach    |   Gohan teaches Goten and Videl
      her to fly.                 |   to fly.
      Gohan suggests for Videl to |   Introduction of the South
      cut her hair (easier for    |   Kaiou-sama.
      fighting purposes); Videl   |
      cuts her hair.              |   Goten calls Trunks, saying that
                                  |   he'll enter the Budokai, too,
      Trunks begins training in   |   so Trunks decides to also enter.
      Vegeta's artificial gravity |
      room.                       |
      --25th Tenkaichi Budokai--  |
      There is now a children's   |
      tournament for those under  |   Preliminaries are now decided
      15.                         |   by punching machines--the 15
                                  |   highest scores and the champion
                                  |   from the last tournament become
      Trunks wins the children's  |   contestants for the new title
      section, and gets to fight  |   of champion.
      the adult champion from the |
      last tournament.  Mr. Satan |
      "pretends to be knocked out |
      by a kid."                  |
                                  |   Trunks and Goten get in disguise
                                  |   and join the adults' tournament.
      Goku and gang encounter     |   (As Mighty Mask)
      Kaiou-shin and Kibit.       |
                                  |   Kuririn wins the first fight.
      Piccolo forfeits to Kaiou-  |
      shin.                       |
                                  |   Supopo-bitchi beats up Videl.
      Gohan changes into Super    |
      Saiyajin at the request of  |
      Kibit and Kaiou-shin, and   |
      gets his energy sucked by   |   Kaioushin asks for Goku's help.
      Yamuu and Supopo-bitchi.    |
                                  |   Despite Vegeta's complaint, Goku
      Yamuu and Supopo-bitchi fly |   decides to help Kaiou-shin.
      off, Kaioushin follows      |
      without them knowing.       |   Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and
                                  |   Kuririn follows Kaiou-shin.
      Kibit restores Gohan's ki,  |
      both Gohan and Videl fly    |   Kaiou-shin explains the Majin
      off with him to find Kaiou- |   Buu situation to Goku & gang,
      shin and the others.        |   while Kibit explains it to Gohan
                                  |   and Videl.
      Videl realizes how incom-   |
      petent her father is.       |
                                  |   Introduction of Babidi and
                                  |   Darbura.
      Darbura kills Kibit and     |
      turns Piccolo & Kuririn to  |
      stone.                      |   Mr. Satan suggest to let all
                                  |   the contestants to fight on
      Vegeta and Goku defeat the  |   stage at once, whoever remaning
      opponents that Babidi threw |   becoming the new champion.
      at them.                    |
                                  |   #18 gets rid of Jewel (a 
      Gohan fights Darbura, but   |   contestant) while "Mighty Mask"
      can't seem to defeat him.   |   gets rid of Killer.
      Vegeta gets impatient, and  |   #18 gets Goten and Trunks dis-
      gets used by Babidi.        |   qualified, then makes a deal with
                                  |   Mr. Satan to fake defeat in
                                  |   exchange for money.
      Videl informs Trunks and    |
      Goten the situation, and    |
      they fly off to join their  |   Vegeta kills a section of the
      fathers.                    |   Budokai audience to get Goku to
                                  |   fight with him.
      Goku and Vegeta fight, and  |
      the energy of Goku's wounds,|
      in addition to the energy   |
      from Gohan, helps to release|   Vegeta sucker punches Goku
      Majin Buu.                  |   and goes off to fight Buu.
      Buu defeats Kaiou-shin and  |
      sends Gohan flying.         |   Darbura tries to kill Buu
                                  |   (knowing that it won't obey
                                  |   Babidi for long), and gets
      Piccolo and Kuririn turn    |   turned into a cookie and eaten
      back into flesh.            |   by Buu.
      Vegeta appears as Buu is    |
      about to turn Kaiou-shin    |
      into food, and sacrifices   |
      himself trying to destroy   |
      Buu.                        |   Majin Buu regenerates, as if
                                  |   nothing happened.
      Goku mentions the fusion    |
      technique.                  |   Bulma and Yamcha summon Shen
                                  |   Lon and asks for everyone who
      Goku tries to stop Yamcha   |   died today, with the exception
      and Bulma from making the   |   of the bad guys, to be revived.
      wish, but is too late.      |
                                  |   The revived Kibit finds Kaiou-
      Kaioushin and Kibit find    |   shin, and restores his power.
      Gohan, and takes him to     |
      the Kaioushin Realm.        |   Babidi introduces himself and
                                  |   Majin Buu to the rest of the
      Kibit restores Gohan's      |   world, and asks for Goten,
      strength, gives him new     |   Trunks, and Piccolo.  He
      clothing, and takes him to  |   demonstrates Buu's powers by
      the Zeta Sword at Kaiou-    |   having him turn the people of
      shin's request.             |   an entire city into candy drops,
                                  |   eating them, and then wiping out
      Gohan pulls out the Zeta    |   the entire city.
      Sword, and begins to train  |
      with it.                    |   Trunks and Goten decide to learn
                                  |   the fusion technique.
      Babidi finds out where      |
      Trunks lives, and decides to|   Goku sends Trunks to retrieve
      go there and destroy it if  |   the Dragon Radar while he tries
      Trunks doesn't show.        |   to delay Babidi (and Buu).
      Goku fights Buu as Super    |
      Saiyajin 3; he teleports    |
      back after he senses Trunks |
      going back to the tower.    |   Majin Buu kills Babidi, then
                                  |   creates more havoc on earth.
      Goku teaches Trunks and     |
      Goten the movements required|
      for fusion, then goes back  |   Majin Buu creates his own house
      to the other world.         |   from people that he turned into
                                  |   clay.
      Goku finds out that Gohan is|
      still alive, and then senses|   Goku and Gohan trains with the
      his ki, so he teleports to  |   Zeta Sword, and accidentally
      Gohan.                      |   breaks it.  An old Kaioushin 
                                  |   appears.  After Goku strikes
                                  |   a deal with him, he begins a 
                                  |   procedure to upgrade Gohan's 
      Goku decides to go take a   |   power (the ritual dance procedure
      nap.                        |   takes 5 hours, and the actual
                                  |   upgrade takes another 20).
      After two failed attempts,  |
      Trunks and Goten fuse into  |
      a power Gotenks, though he's|
      not in Super Saiyajin mode, |
      and is very arrogant.  He   |   Earth sends Mr. Satan as their
      tries to fight Buu and gets |   final line of defense against 
      his butt kicked.            |   Buu.
      Mr. Satan becomes a servant/|   Trunks and Goten fuse in SSJ
      friend to Buu.              |   mode, but flies around the earth
                                  |   in a show of his power, and
      A man and his servant starts|   wasted the available time in
      shooting unsuspecting people|   one fusion.
      from far away.              |
                                  |   Majin Buu heals a puppy, and it
      Mr. Satan offers to go buy  |   becomes Buu's pet.
      some dog food.              |
                                  |   Mr. Satan convinces Buu to not
      The man and his servant     |   kill and demolish again.
      arrive at Buu's house and   |
      shoots the puppy.           |   Mr. Satan beats up the two guys,
                                  |   and then finds that the puppy is
      The man shoots Mr. Satan in |   still barely alive.  Buu heals
      the back and runs away; Buu |   the puppy.
      heals Mr. Satan and tells   |
      him to run... and begins to |   The skinny and angry Buu kills
      emit smoke, which forms into|   the man and then fights with
      a skinny version of Buu.    |   fat Buu.  It turns fat Buu into
                                  |   chocolate and eats it, becoming
      The servant awakens, fires  |   a slim and somewhat muscular
      multiple rounds at Buu with |   Buu.
      a machine gun, and gets     |
      killed (rather MK2 like).   |   Buu notices Mr. Satan, and is
                                  |   about to kill him, too, but stops
                                  |   when he sees that it is Mr.
                                  |   Satan (indicating that Buu still
      Buu flies to Kami-sama's    |   has the memories of fat Buu).
      temple, and asks to fight   |
      the fighter Goku promised.  |   In an effort to stall for more
                                  |   time, Piccolo offers for Buu to
                                  |   kill off everyone on earth before
                                  |   fighting the promised warrior;
                                  |   Buu walks around the floating 
                                  |   temple, and then shoots out
      Piccolo asks Buu to wait for|   multiple ki-blasts, killing off
      an hour before fighting, and|   everyone on earth except for the
      sets down an hourglass.     |   people at the temple, Mr. Satan,
                                  |   and the puppy; Tenshinhan and
      Chichi screams at Buu for   |   Chaozu dodged the attack just in
      killing Gohan, and gets     |   time.
      turned into an egg and      |
      stepped on.                 |   Goten and Trunks enter the Room
                                  |   of Spirit and Time for more
      Buu gets impatient after    |   training.
      waiting for about half an   |
      hour, so Piccolo leads him  |
      around in corners slowly    |
      before going into the Room  |   Gotenks fights Buu with a series
      of Spirit and Time (so if   |   of different attacks, but doesn't
      Gotenks loses, Piccolo can  |   appear to be winning.  Piccolo
      destroy the exit, and Buu   |   destroys the exit as Gotenks
      will be trapped.            |   decides to turn into SSJ3.
      Buu breaks free of the      |
      dimension that the Room of  |
      Spirit and Time is in.      |   The hole Buu created disappears.
      Mr. Popo drops Dende off    |
      the temple.                 |
                                  |   Buu turns everyone into
      Gotenks turns into SSJ3 and |   chocolate and eats them.
      creates another hole; he and|
      Piccolo both get out.       |   Just as Gotenks is about to
                                  |   obliterate Buu, he changes back
                                  |   into a normal Saiyajin.
      Gohan shows up and beats    |
      up Majin Buu; Buu causes    |
      himself to explode and      |   Gohan and gang pick up Mr. Satan,
      disappears.                 |   the dog, and Dende.
      An hour pass, and Majin Buu |
      reappears, and challenges   |
      Gotenks.                    |
                                  |   Buu absorbs Super Gotenks and
      Vegeta is allowed his one   |   Piccolo.
      day back to the living.     |
                                  |   Old Kaioushin gives up his life
      Old Kaioushin shows Goku    |   so Goku can live again.
      the earring fusion.         |
                                  |   Goku goes back, and tosses one
                                  |   earring to Gohan, who misses it.
      Gotenks' SSJ3 fusion runs   |
      out of time, and Buu absorbs|   Goku fuses with Vegeta, forming
      Gohan.                      |   Vegeto.
      Buu tries to absorb Vegeto, |
      but Vegeto creates a small  |
      force field, and separate   |
      back into Goku and Vegeta   |
      after they drop the shield  |   Vegeta destroys his earring.
      while inside Buu.           |
      Goku and Vegeta separate    |
      Piccolo, Gohan, Trunks, and |   Vegeta separates Fat Buu from
      Goten from Buu.             |   Buu.
      Goku and Vegeta escape from |
      Buu's body with Piccolo,    |
      Gohan, Trunks, and Goten.   |   Buu reverts back to his true
                                  |   original form (as Kaioushin
      Buu tries to blow up the    |   explains).
      entire planet, Goku barely  |
      has enough time to pick up  |
      Mr. Satan, Dende, and the   |
      dog before they (and Vegeta)|
      teleport to Kaioushin realm |   Buu learns Kaioushin's teleport
      with Kaioushin.             |   and appears in the Kaioushi realm.
      Goku tries to fight Buu in  |
      SSJ3 form.                  |   Vegeta tries to keep Buu busy
                                  |   as Goku tries to power-up to
      Buu tries to hit Mr. Satan, |   full SSJ3 to defeat Buu.
      but stops abruptly, and     |
      spits out Fat Buu, who      |
      fights with Buu for picking |
      on Mr. Satan.               |   Goku drops out of SSJ form.
      Vegeta gets the Namek DBs to|
      restore the earth, and      |
      revive everyone who died    |
      since Babidi's arrival (with|
      the exception of the bad    |   Goku tries to gather ki for
      guys).                      |   a super Genki-dama, with the
                                  |   help of the people of earth;
                                  |   but pleas from Vegeta and Goku
      Mr. Satan convinces the     |   aren't enough (even though the
      people of earth to give Goku|   Namek people all gave part of
      a part of their ki.         |   their ki to Goku).
      Goku throws the Genki-dama, |
      but has a hard time main-   |
      taining it; Dende wishes to |
      Puronga to restore Goku's   |
      strength.                   |   Buu is destroyed.
      Enmadaiou reincarnates Buu  |
      as Ubuu, according to Goku's|
      wish, to have Buu's power,  |
      but be a good guy.          |
                                  |---(Year unknown)
                                  |   Gohan marries Videl..  they have
                                  |   a daughter named Pan.
                                  |   Vegeta and Bulma get a daughter
                                  |   named Bra.
      (c. Year 780)---------------|
      Goku finds out that Ubuu is |
      entering the tournament, and|
      decides to join.            |   Goku decides to train Ubuu.