Genealogy Stumpers
This is a piture of my cousin Gerry's GGGGrandfather,(not sure about the G's) John B. Munkres Born 1822. My GGGGgrandfather William Muncus was our common relative. William had 2 family's. His first wife I have no information about. John comes from that line. His second wife was Elizabeth. William and Elizabeth had my GGGgrandfather Benjamin. Benjamin was born sometime before 1800 in GA. There was another Benjamin born in 1799, who was a nephew to my Benjamin, but the nephew went to OR. I would like to find out who Benjamin (mine) was married to, since we have no name for his wife. I am very interested in any information on William, also. He was a land speculator, buying land, improving upon it, then selling it. The first mention I have found is from around 1741, he was a landowner in Pittsylvania Co Virginia. In 1769, there is a reference made to him in a description of where a church is located in that same county. Somewhere around 1767-76 he was listed as a land buyer from halifax Co. His will was dated Feb.22,1796, in Surry Co. North Carolina. Keep in mind, He had a son named William, and almost all of his son's had son's named William. Also, they all had son's named Benjamin, who had son's named William...Maybe not that bad, but without birthdays, you can't figure out who is who..Genealogy Stumpers... |