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@!#%$  Rants!  @#!$%

"This is just a series of things that are pissing me off because I don't have pet peeves I have major psychotic fucking hatreds."

-George Carlin "You are all Diseased"

My first rant was the result of a problem I was having with a former employer.   Two checks were stolen from me and had been cashed fraudulently.  My former employer was less than helpful.  It was a short rant tacked onto the beginning of a deconstruction I was doing of Fight The Future.  I have since gotten my money and I no longer have to endure the former employer.  However I have gained a new way to blow off steam.  I hope these rantings amuse.

This section had gotten a bit unwieldy so I've moved all but the last five rants to my new Rants Archive.

I'll admit it, I've been slacking of late.  I'd written some election season themed rants and I've not put them up.  So the next couple of rants will seem a bit -er dated.

Bush is really pissing me off.

What's here

War Questions

Another Bank Rip-Off Scheme

On Janet Jackson's "costume malfunction."

On the latest "indecency" crackdown

Bush Rantings  New!