The Red and the Black

Krycek gets the jump on Mulder; with just one hand.

Krycek:  You know, if it wasn't in my best interests, I would just as soon squeeze this trigger.

Mulder:  What's stopping you?

Krycek:  Hear this, Agent Mulder… listen very carefully because what I'm telling you is deadly serious.  There is a war raging, and unless you pull your head out of the sand, you and I and about five billion other people are going to go the way of the dinosaur.  I'm talking planned invasion.  The colonization of this planet by an extraterrestrial race.

Clone Episode Inspired:  Still on Tailor!Krycek.

Memorable Lines

Upon getting the jump on Mulder (sort to speak):  You must be losing it, Mulder.  I could beat you with one hand.

Hottie potential

He's still got stubble.  Yum!  We're talking ten!

Crimes and Misdemeanors

Breaking and Entering:  As usual if one enters someone else's apartment without permission (and you have to break in to do so) it's not legal.

This time around Krycek doesn't make much of an appearance so he hasn't much opportunity for misbehavior.

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