The Game is Afoot!

Mulder seems confused when he realizes that Scully hung up on him. I wonder what part of "I can't talk right now" Mulder didn't understand.

Mulder:  Hey, Scully, it's me...

Scully:  [whispering] Yeah?

Mulder:  Why are you whispering?

Scully:  [whispering] Mulder, I can't really talk right now.

Mulder:  What did you find?

What nerve!  When Mulder can't talk he has no qualms about hanging up on Scully but when she says she can't talk he presses her for information.  I'd bet that it never occurred to him that he was putting her life in danger by insisting on talking.  On the other hand, I love the way Mulder pushes by that poor befuddled private.

General Punkesque Behavior

How much do you want to bet that Mulder didn't tip the cab driver either.

There Mulder goes again following strange men into dark alleys because they may have information he wants or need.

Continuing to press Scully on the phone:  What part of "I can't talk right now" did he not understand.

Mulder has nerve expecting Scully to follow him to Dallas when he knew that she had that big meeting to get back to.

Telling Scully that he'll get her back in time for the hearing:  One should never make promises one may not be able to keep.  Back in time for the meeting?  What a load of crap!

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