
I'm going to follow this lead whether it's bogus or not. So what if I end up chasing my tail again?

Scully:  ...The truth is out there, but so are lies.

Mulder:  [snottily] Thank you.

Mulder's search for the truth, while noble, can do some rather irksome to his personality.  It really brings out the Punk.  It just doesn't seem as if Mulder's learned that when one is trying to expose secrets of powerful people that they would do anything to keep their secret hidden.  Why he is so willing to chase after any lead without at least looking into its veracity is beyond me.  Good thing Scully is around to rein him in on occasion.  Although based on the snippet you see above Mulder clearly doesn't appreciate it.  The Punk!

General Punkesque Behavior

To be filed under way more information that I wanted or needed to know:  That whole dodger dog thing.  I could have lived without hearing that tidbit.  Gee thanks for sharing Mulder.

Mulder's little amused sounding one word replies to Scully's explanations.  That is so annoying!  I'm in awe of Scully's restraint.  I sure wanted to slap him.

Expecting Scully to trust info from Deep Throat without knowing anything about him.  Why should Scully trust any information from him?  She doesn't know Deep Throat from Adam.  Of course, Mulder doesn't really know Deep Throat from Adam either but at least he's met the man so he can make an -ahem reasonably thought out decision of whether or not he wants to trust information from the man.  Scully has to trust Mulder's judgement.  Poor Scully!

Getting mad at Scully because she's telling him the photo he'd received from Deep Throat was a fake.  There's nothing worse than Mulder on a tear.  Especially when you're trying to tell him something that doesn't jibe with his version of the truth.

Not apologizing to Scully for yelling at her about the photo being a fake.  It was the least he could have done.

Leaving Scully with the soldier guy while he runs blindly through the power plant.  Very nice.  Me thinks this counts as a ditch.

Forgetting that Scully's the only one he can trust!  Hello!  Deep Throat openly admitted that he would give Mulder information when it suited him not Mulder.  Which now that I think about it is probably the only thing he openly admitted so far.  Why it never occurred to Mulder that the man may have an agenda separate from his [Mulder] own I don't know.

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