Miracle Man

Just because I see things that aren't there, doesn't mean I'm delusional!

Mulder:  People want to believe you know.

Sheriff Daniels:  Ninety nine percent of the people are fools and the rest of us are in great danger of contagion.

This is one of the few religious themed episode where Mulder isn't completely obnoxious.  Enjoy it while you can.

General Punkesque Behavior

For someone who trusts few, Mulder is often ready to believe people he doesn't know, even to the point of ignoring the good sense of his partner.  Such is the case when Mulder first talks to Samuel Hartley.  At the very least, Mulder shouldn't make it so bloody obvious that Samuel hit a nerve.  I would love to play poker with him.  I'd clean up!

It's not considered polite to run out of a meeting to chase hallucinations.

Barking!Mulder makes yet another appearance.  This time he barks the orders then walks off without bothering to clue Scully in to what he's up to.  And still no use of the word 'please.'

Just Plain Crazy

"I'm not delusional Scully."  Oh no!  Mulder's not delusional, he just sees little girls that aren't there.  I wouldn't go around telling too many people about little girls that aren't there if I were Mulder.

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