
Once again Mulder picks a bad time to give Scully the background info on an X-File.

"I want to believe"

Gee Mulder you make it sound as if getting you to believe is so difficult.  It's not like it was something religious you were looking into.

General Punkesque Behavior

When Mulder and Scully talk to the Parkers, the elder Parker tells them to look at his boy's scars.  Why does Mulder go to look at them?  Did he become an M.D. between episodes?

Mulder is incorrigible.  He seems to enjoy letting Scully think there may be a chance in hell that a case they're investigating isn't an X-File.  Of course this is always right before he waves the X-Filean evidence in front of her nose.

Interrupting Scully:  And he picked just the perfect time to do so too.  Scully starts to say that they're looking for someone who can give them information on the homicide of Joe Goodensnake and he buts in and starts talking about a creature that leaves animal tracks with one step and human footprints in the next.  Very nice.  And effective too.  One should always interrupt the rational person to spout off crazy theories.

Mulder seems to enjoy not telling Scully about the X-File in a case leaving her to figure it out for herself.  Only once she deduces that there's an ulterior motive for Mulder's interest in a case does he bother giving her the background information.  Nice way to treat your partner Mulder!

Why didn't Mulder call Scully's cell phone right after he failed to reach her at the hospital?  If she just left she'd be able go get the cell phone call before she headed out into an area where there would be interference.

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