
Mulder's punk-like qualities rear its ugly head. Nice way to question a man when he could be dying!

Mulder:  I can't believe that Colonel Belt would endanger the lives of those astronauts knowing that something might go wrong.  He's an astronaut himself.

Scully:  So you think this x-ray is bogus?

Mulder:  God I hope so.

This episode features Groupie!Mulder.  I guess even Mulder is occasionally swayed by fame.  Personally, I'd just as soon not see Groupie!Mulder ever again.

General Punkesque Behavior

The groupie routine.  It's jarring to say the least.  Not only is it disconcerting to watch but it turns Mulder into a complete knucklehead.

Ribbing Scully about not feeling excited about being at the launch.  Not everyone is the space nut you are Mulder.

Apologizing for asking about potential sabotage.  Since when does Mulder apologize for doing his job when death is not involved.  If Colonel Belt gets insulted by the questions that's his problem.  But someone has to ask the questions before someone ends up dead.

Giving Belt a huge margin of latitude.  Mulder went out on a pretty big limb for his old childhood hero.

Get a doctor Mulder?  Like your partner perhaps?  I can see calling 911 to get paramedics over there but did Mulder forget that his partner can do the work until they arrive?

Questioning a man who's in dire need of medical attention:  That's beyond even Mulder's usual level of insensitivity.

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