10. Krycek has better looking hair.
9. Krycek would never use a corny line like asking you to help him solve the mystery of the "horny beast."
8. Krycek wouldn't make innuendos then run away when a woman took him up on his offer.
7. Krycek wouldn't hang up on you to ogle bug women.
6. If interrupted during a kiss Krycek wouldn't forget about it and leave it unmentioned for damn near 2 years.
5. Krycek doesn't need drugs to tell you how he feels.
4. Krycek would never drag you to the middle of nowhere as a pretext to spend time with you.
3. Krycek doesn't have issues with his first name.
2. Krycek has better eyelashes.
And the top reason why Krycek is sexier than Mulder is.....
1. Two words: He's bilingual! (Linguists are sexy!)