PART IV: End of the First Half Already?

Sixth on the ice was a pair from Germany but I didn’t really catch their names. Some skaters I don’t really know much about or don’t remember much to say about them but I can basically tell you every detail about COI in San Diego. J Seventh on the ice was Nicole Bobek. She looked really really mature! She skated to a medley of Blondie, fell once though, what a shame. Other than that it was strong and thrilling performance. Eighth was Michael Weiss. Being a Todd Eldredge fan for the mens I basically didn’t care much for Michael that much. Since I haven’t seen much of Todd I craved Todd and felt Michael was replacing Todd. But my feelings immediately changed at his presence. It’s strange. I can’t explain it. Anyways Michael skated to a medley of K.C. and the Sunshine Band, which I’ve seen before and is really entertaining! I loved it! J He was great! Ninth on the ice was Elena Berezhnaya & Anton Sikharulidze. I can’t say I have much interest for them so I wasn’t that in to their performance. I basically listened the music which was, "Impossible Dream", a very beautiful and moving piece. Tenth on the ice was Surya Bonaly! Her program was excellent and that backflip is always a wonder to see! She skated to some German folk songs I think. I had seen this program before on Ice Wars. Eleventh was Rudy Galindo. He did a very entertaining and appealing performance to the audience to a medley of the Village People. I’ve seen it before on TV and it was just excellent in person! After Rudy was intermission. I couldn’t believe half the show was over already!


Continue to PART V