The site was last updated on
24 Aug 2000
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Full Name: Astra Hatzipor
DOB: 23 Jan 98
Breed: Red-Black, German Shepherd Dog
Sex: Male
Favorite Treat: Biscuits (the Nutro ones!)
Best Trick: Count till 10
Life hobbies: First, my life is one big game, I love
playing, most of my day I watch the house along with Filly. I work at Agility, and
I really like it, but seems like I have to follow my mom all the time. Why cant she
follow me once?
At Schutzhund I work only for a short time,
but Im doing really well, I love the protection part.
Im a pure breed dog, so I get to go to the GSDs
dog shows, I usually get 1st places, and I enjoy going there, people always say
that I look good and they pet me all the time (I love being scratched).
I have my privet pool at home, and my own doghouse,
my mom buys me things to play with all the time, so I have a lot of games too, but
Filly always try to steel them away!
I help my mom with her shows, by being very smart
I know how to count till 10 and I
know how to sing, Im a very good singer. I fetch EVERYTHING that shell throw
away, no matter how big itll be. My pedigree, have few good dogs in it. You can take
a look at it just click on Astras Pedigree.
Im from Fanto v.hirschels and Jeck
v.Noricums family (both of theme are siger dogs!) and I have 7 sieger
champions (world champions) in my family. You'll be able to see here some pictures of me
at Agility and SchH
or when I'm just having fun! People say that when Ill get
my SchH III ready, Ill be a good stud dog, I dont have a dogfriend right
now, but that's only because my mom want me to have the best. You can send me questions
about puppies if you want to, and Ill be very happy to answer any question, also,
you can take a look at the FAQ, and you might find the answer to
your question there. Send the questions to: