Futuristic/Fantastic Logo

Lots of real great stuff falls into this category. I like movies about robots and cyborgs and androids. Post-apocalyptic movies just fascinate the heck outta me and I really like those strange stories that fall into a Fantasy-type of genre. I'm not a special effects addict, so that won't be the reason for any of my liking or not liking a movie. I love costumes, make-up, and set design and most of these movies are picked with that in mind. You won't see any Japanese sci-fi amd stuff, cause I just haven't seen one I liked. Personally, I liked the new, improved "Godzilla". The dude in the rubber suit just left me cold. Those movies were the Ed Wood kind of stuff and not nearly as funny - as far as I'm concerned. Just callin'em like I see'em, cats. May the Force be With You.


What a real romp THIS is. Tank Girl used to be a French Comic Chick, now, in the movie. . .she's LORI PETTY! Tank Girl is. . .well, to quote the Tank Girl site, there . . . ." She is a loveable, bollocks to the rules, do whatever the fuck she wants, punk with a tank. She guzzles beer, smokes and fights too much for her own good, and wears combat boots that are too big."

You know, I just really liked this (except for the stupid dog/man characters - talk about your mongrel half-breeds. . . but I digress). It even has Malcom McDowell in it; gorgeous and evil as all get out and I REALLY liked that. There's a futuristic setting - battle for control of water - good over evil. Tank Girl kicks butt so good, you'll just be screaming "Yeah! Yeah!". She has a tank that is as obedient as a dog; a fighter pilot for a gal pal, and more cojones than Santa Ana's whole army. She's sexy and fun and anyone who likes Heavy Metal-type comics will love Tank Girl as much as I did. I didn't even mind the head-banging soundtrack.


Let's talk about one of the best stories ever made for movies. I like the last two versions the best; Burt Lancaster as Moreau (1972) and Marlon Brando as Moreau (1997). NOW. . . As usual, the critics and I are at odds about this last version. Mostly, I believe, because of some problem with Marlon, but hasn't it always been that way? Hollywood loves to ridicule Marlon, but it has no one to even come close to his genius. I told you I would talk about Val Kilmer and David Thewlis and this is the place.

I don't know what the hell Kilmer thought he was doing in this production. I THINK he was trying to out-prima donna Marlon and only succeeded in making himself look like an immature fool! Wearing that useless blue band on his arm? I heard they couldn't make him take it off, either. Had absolutely no value to his character. I think they could have used anyone in Kilmer's part and had a better movie because of it.

Thewlis and his paramour, the lovely and exotic Fairuza Balk, were just enchanting together and both are VERY talented. I thought Marlon brought totally terrific eccentricity to the good doctor. His little buddy was excellent, too. The makeup and costuming were top-notch and the story itself is enduring and horrific as well as a reminder not to mess with Mother Nature.

Go on and give this movie another chance and don't be so judgemental about my Marlon. He's still got more talent in his puffy little finger than most of these big-buck Hollywood guys have between them. Okay, just my opinion. Still. . . . And while you're at it, get the version with Lancaster and watch them back-to-back. Both of them are just wonderful.


One of my very favorite flicks, so I'm gonna start with it. The story was written by HARLAN ELLISON, also one of my faves, and one of the world's premier writers of fantasy literature.

This story involves a young man named Vic (Albert) and his dog, Blood. Blood can speak telepathically to Vic as a result of the last, devastating World War, which has left behind a vast wasteland that once was America.

Now, Blood is far more intelligent than Vic, and this lends itself to many humourous situations. I'm not going to tell you the story, but suffice it to say, this tale has a lot of twists and is full of wonderfullness. You'll see a few faces you recognize, for one, a very young Don Johnson who plays Vic. The flick is directed by b-actor, L.Q. Jones (another fave) and he has a small part in the movie, also, but bet ya can't catch him!

By all means, see this. Your life as a movie buff will not be complete until you do.


I found this by accident while I was looking for something else, but anything with Rutger Haurer's name on it catches my interest. This movie has androids and cyborgs trying to avoid capture and dismantlment by humans. Post-apocalyptic, of course; I just love it.

This has a lot of humor in it; mostly in the form of the one poor android who keeps getting his head ripped off and has to find new body parts to hook the head up to. There are several rival bands of robotic creatures, looking for a treasure of guns to defend themselves against the rumored coming of the humans to destroy all the machines. Rutger is, of course, the centerpiece of this flick as a war droid who has lost some prime memory in a battle. He can't remember his prime objective or who sent him.

Like, I said, I really enjoyed this and I think you will, too.


(The old version - not the director's cut)

The older version has Harrison Ford's narrative and I liked that. Made it seem so much more like the 40s detectives movies and that fit in so well with the whole amazing and imaginative setting of the 21st century city. I have both versions and always like this first one better.

This movie is just a thing of beauty. The replicants are so exciting and such beautiful, tragic figures. Rutger Hauer.... again, too cool as Roy. I could go on and on about this movie forever, but I won't tell you anything about it in case you actually haven't seen it. I just want to impress upon you to go into another watching with eyes trained on all the little details Ridley Scott endowed it with. Watch this time, the first replicant to bite the dust -Leon - the one played by veteran character actor, Brion James. He is SOOOOO good. And remember, no one knew anything about Darryl Hannah until she did that incredible, slow back flip then reached into the boiling water and plucked out the eggs, wearing that sexy future-chic black eye makeup.

Notice also, please, the little guy who takes Roy to see the Replicant Maker? The same dude that was "Hi! I'm Larry, and this is my brother, Darrel and this is my other brother, Darrel" (why do we know these guys' faces, but don't know their names?)

Yeah! Yeah! See it again. Then see it one more time. Ya know ya wanna.