Created April, 1999

Latest Update: 5/15/02 

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Hey Ya'll ! Just in case anyone dropped in, I thought I might use this opportunity to tell you about my favorite movies - on video (I no longer walk willingly into movie theaters). Why you would care is beyond me, but, you're here now, so why not?

The stuff featured in here is all from my own video collection. I love this collection so I've decided to share with you my opinions on some of these movies. As you can see, I'm not a critic per se (OR a writer), just highly biased and opinionated. Besides, there's some pretty cool pictures with the write-ups. 

These movies are not necessarily thought highly of by the critics and pretty much most ignored by the rest of the general viewing public. (Usually, I don't even LIKE the ones everyone else likes, and I usually choose'em by who's IN'em.)
You MUST try to be adventurous, however, and try to pick up one or three of these little jewels at your local viddy rental. I'd love to hear your opinions about any of these that you've seen. You can either email me or come leave me a note at
SAL's MESSAGE BOARD. I CRAVE feedback and I'm never too far away from there. SO....

. . . . .Viddy Well, Little Brothers, Viddy Well!

. . . . . . . . Sal

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