My Tripod Page

The center of a Black Hole is called the
Singularity, where all of it’s mass is
concentrated into a tiny volume. This mass
is the source of the enormous amount of
gravitational force directed into the Black
Hole, as well as the source of the event horizon.
The event horizon is the border at which nothing
inside can escape the force due to gravity from
the singularity. If a non-rotating Black Hole
pulls something inside of its event horizon
that object will inevitably be crushed by
the tidal forces and will always hit the
singularity. Not only is it guaranteed to
hit the singularity, but because of the
strange reversal of time and space inside a
Black Hole, it can be calculated exactly
how long it will take before it hits the
singularity. This is a result of the mass of
the Black Hole and nothing else. If you know
the mass of a Black Hole you can find exactly
how long you will have before you hit the
singularity after crossing the event horizon.

Singularity Program

These are two identical programs for calculating
the time to the singularity. The one uses a
graphics library only supported at Syracuse
University computer clusters, and the other is
a boring dos version which can be run anywhere.

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