
   April 10, 2001 1:35 PM- Revamped the shrine sections; Mars, Saturn, and Mercury pages up (finally...) Reading over the info I had written before I realize it's crappy and hard-to-follow, but what can I do. Also updated Pluto's section even though clips do NOT WORK. (If anyone knows where I can put them, please e-mail...)
I should mention my reasoning for taking out the dub sections out of the shrines. Simple, I just didn't follow the dub anymore. It was bad enough trying to watch some dub episodes when it was just the first two seasons, but to watch another two...

   April 9, 2001 5:50 PM- Updated Neptune's section.

   April 1, 2001 12:36 AM- I'm extremely sorry for not updating at all over the past few months. As you can tell my dedication to this site is... gone. It's a shame because I recall the time I spent on the layouts, the info, and it was strenuous. Believe it or not folks, your feedback is extremely important to this site. This is a cycle all anime webmasters go through... but I've lost all interest in anime, so... I'm just doing this for the fans. Send me an e-mail, write a message in Makoto's guestbook, but give me some feedback on whether I should keep the site open or not. If not, I probably won't update anymore or I might even tear the site down. (I should've updated 30 minutes earlier... well, an hour and 30 minutes earlier because it's officially daylight savings time... but this is no April's Fool's joke.)

   January 13, 2001 2:29 PM- Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been too busy. The 'shrine' sections, ie the Mars, Saturn, and Mercury sections, are all down due to a really badly-needed overhaul. moon crisis! turned 2 over the last update, but no new layout... instead I think I'll just somewhat revamp the shrine sections.

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