Condom Nation

Band Bio Page:
Ryan Bio: Check out this one too.
Old Webpage: here is are old one, but it gives a little info and you can sign the guest book while you're in there

Ryan Seaman

THIS IS A YEAR OLD PICTURE RIGHT NOW, THIS PICTURE WILL BE UPDATED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THANKS, Ryan Seaman is one of the creators in the band, in the band he's played guitar and bass but now just bass. He was a former member of Just Add Water and was there drummer for about a year. He sings and writes half of the songs that they perform and he has done a lot of shows over a period of 3 years, he made his debut at the PCHS talent show when he was in 8th grade and didn't even go to the school but the rest of the band did.

Britt Laswell

Britt has been in the band for over a year (thank god) he was perminitly placed after the talent show debut that ryan performed on, he was brought into the band by long time companion of both Britt and Ryan, Trevor. He learned all the songs fast and got into the punk point of view. Britt or Ryan didn't really know each other in the band until they started causing trouble and hanging out. Britt sings and plays guitar for the band and writes half of the songs. Britt joined the band after 6 people quit or had to move away.


Trevor has been in the band just as long as Ryan and have put up with each other for over 2 years. Trevor plays drums and sings a song he wrote called "Old Farts". He is also in the PCHS high school varsity jazz band along with Ryan (that's how they met). Since then Trevor is also a tennis player so, it is hard for him to make shows, in the past 2 years, he's missed two very small shows, (one at a middle school and one at a high school) Big deal!!!!! Trevor has been playing drums since about the 2nd grade.


Clint Simkins, BIO

Clint simkins has been playing the bass for not that long but good enough to play with condom nation, he has always been a back up man and plays trumpet for us when we need it on some ska songs, he is a temp bass player because now trevor has moderitly quit the band, the new kid RYAN Bradford does not know all the songs yet so he will be out for a while as Ryan Seaman will play drums for the short time

Ryan Bradford just barely joined the band in Nov of 1999, he's been playing drums for four years and loves punk music, he likes the swingin utters, the vandals, limp, dance hall crasher, and the list goes on and on

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