Now Kris has a page of her own!
    I think this cat suits her perfectly.
    She can spot a cat anywhere. She was walking across the Golden Gate Bridge, and spotted one at the end of the bridge stalking a bird!

    Right now ~ she is in heaven. Her neighbor's cat had kittens a few weeks ago, and Kris has been cat-sitting! She can't wait to go in there to visit. She spends over an hour ~ playing and cuddling the kittens and momma cat.
    She decided they didn't have any good toys ~ so went out to buy kitten toys that evening. The owner is coming back soon ~ so she will have to shorten her visits.

    Like all three of my kids ~ this one is an animal lover too! She has two spoiled cats! Living in an apartment ~ she is limited on how many animals she can have. Which is a good thing, or the sky would be the limit.

    She is now taking classes at our local community college. Business courses ~ management skills and that sort of thing. I think it's great, and her boss is paying for them ~ which is even better!
    She is also into crafts, and especially making photo albums. She keeps threatening to get all of my pictures into albums ~ instead of stuffed in drawers all over the house!

    Kris has discovered that there are squirrels at the beach. Hundreds of them!
    So off she goes to the local market to buy king-sized bags of peanuts. Then to the beach ~ where they are waiting for her. Within seconds ~ she is mugged by dozens of little squirrels ~ climbing into the bag of peanuts, and running around her lap!
    This new hobby is costing her a small fortune in peanuts ~ the squirrels just keep stuffing their cheeks with peanuts! Then they tell their friends ~ and more show up.

    When she gets home, her cats sniff her from top to bottom. Trying to figure out what she has been doing ~ and where she has been!

    She is also a volunteer at the San Francisco Zoo for special events.
    She loves dressing up in one of the animal costumes, and playing with the little kids that stare at her in amazement! Julie usually goes with her ... needs someone to help!

    Her husband is still busy fishing off the local beaches.
    When he spots dolphins playing ~ he calls her on the cell phone, and she races down to watch!
    Lately, she has been taking him along to feed squirrels! Pretty soon ~ the squirrels are going to know the sound of her car!

    She is still taking pictures of everything she sees. Alot of the pictures I have on my pages ~ she has taken. She goes around snapping pictures ~ and has some beautiful ones of things I wouldn't have even noticed!

    Julie and Kris are still close friends ~ besides being sisters. Julie can talk to her about things that she doesn't feel comfortable telling me! Of course, I'm from the year 01 ~ while Kris is closer in age, and understands things. LOL
    I'm glad they are close ~ and I trust Kris to give Julie good advice.

    So here is an up-close look of my oldest daughter. She's a good person. She survived being raised with her brother ~ which wasn't easy ~ and then put up with a pesty little sister!

    Anything new and exciting happen ~ I will add it to this page!

    Hugs & Kisses Kris
    I love you

    Bill      Julie