=^^= Sammie =^^=

On this page, you will meet Sammie.
She is my "sweet" kitty!

I've always owned dogs ... always had at least two .. now all of a sudden .. I'm collecting cats!

Sammie came into our lives ~ completely unplanned!
Went to work one morning, and a fella brought 4 kittens in with him!
Now ~ if you read my pages on Twitsville ~ you know this isn't that unusual!
Seems a mother cat had her kittens in his backyard, and he had caught them that morning.
Knew he would find loving homes for them by bringing them into his office ~ and he did! Had homes for all them by the end of the day!
I went in the see the "babies" and fell in love!
At the end of the day, put her in a box ~ stopped at the pet shop for food and toys ~ and was on my way home!

I have never seen such a scared little kitten!
She went under my bed ~ and stayed there!
She didn't hiss or claw at me ~ just huddled in a corner .. scared to death.
After talking to her, and trying to coax her out didn't work .. decided to try something different.
We have a stall shower with glass sliding doors in the bathroom off our bedroom.
So I covered the shower floor with towels, put her toys, food, litter box, a soft teddy bear, and the sweatshirt I had been wearing in there.
Then I put her in there, and shut the doors.
Every hour or so ~ I would go in and take a peek at her, and start talking to her.
She spent the night, and next day in there.
The next night ~ she didn't seem so afraid, and I left the door open a little bit.
After I had gone to bed, I felt a little jump ~ and something walking very carefully towards my head!
I started talking softly to her, and before long ~ she was cuddled next to my face ~ purring her head off!
She slept with me from then on! Right next to my face ~ with whiskers tickling my nose!
I think she felt secure and safe in the shower ... and when she felt brave .. she came out!
She had no contact with people until that morning ... and I guess the whole experience was over whelming to her!


Like I said before, Sammie is my sweet cat.
Loves to cuddle, and be held.
Plays out in the yard, but would rather be inside sleeping on the top of the couch, or on someone's bed!
She gives "love nibbles" on your chin! Once in awhile, nibbles too hard!

When my family comes over to visit, she is the official welcoming committee!
Always greets people by jumping on their lap to say hello.

Oh I forgot!
When she was a kitten ~ she used to climb up my back to get close!
I would be doing dishes, and suddenly this kitten would leap on my back ~ jump on the counter ~ and start purring!
Wasn't too bad until she got bigger ... then it hurt!
I ended up having eyes in the back of my head .. watching for her to leap!


Sammie really started having fun when Belle (Catzilla) came to live with us. By the way, Belle has her own page!
Those two would play and chase each other for hours!

A couple of weeks ago ~ Sammie started acting really funny.
Just sleeping and listless.
Ended up taking her to the vet.
$350 later ~ was told they really didn't know what was wrong!
Now she is fine! Although, the vet called and said her liver is smaller then it should be.
Keep an eye on her to see if she continues to be ok!
She is leaping and twirling around with Belle, and seems to be fine ... so we will see if this presents a problem down the road.


Here is something cute I found at Catstuff
I hope you enjoy it!

Things You Can Learn From Your Cat

Make the world your playground.
Whenever you miss the sandbox, cover it up. Dragging a sock over it helps.
If you can't get your way, lay across the keyboard till you do.
When you are hungry, meow loudly so they feed you just to shut you up.
Always find a good patch of sun to nap in. Nap often.
When in trouble, just purr and look cute.
Life is hard, and then you nap.
Curiosity never killed anything except maybe a few hours.
When in doubt, cop an attitude.
Variety is the spice of life. One day, ignore people; the next day, annoy them.
Climb your way to the top, that's why the curtains are there.
Make your mark in the world, or at least spray in each corner.
Always give generously; a bird or rodent left on the bed tells them, "I care".


Sammie really loves Julie.
Funny how a cat can pick their "special" person!
In this case, I think it's because Julie spends alot of her time on her bed ~ yapping on the phone!
So Sammie curls up next her ~ happy as a clam!
Doesn't take too long ~ before most of the bed belongs to Sammie, and Julie has the edge!

All my cats are spayed ~ or neutered.
There are so many kittens that are put to sleep each day.
There is no way I'm going to add to the problem.
My cats were lucky ~ they found me!

Felix   Home   Belle