Beyond Shadows


Traditional Level Two

After receiving attunement to the Second Degree, or Level Two Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, the initiate is traditionally given the Dai Ko Mio, and the HanSheZe Shonen ("Distance") symbols. These symbols, and the words expressing their meanings, are said to open the initiate to a higher level of Reiki energy.



 1.    Place both hands on the top of the head. Close your eyes, meditating briefly, to gain energetic rapport with the student.

2.    Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Usui Master Symbol three times to yourself in mantra – like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain.

3.    Touch the student’s left shoulder, signaling them to raise their prayer – clasped hands to the top of their head.

4.    Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain.

5.    Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol over the head. Picture the symbol, guiding it your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain.

6.    Draw the Distant Symbol over the head. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain.

7.    Gently move the student’s hands from the top of their head, motioning them back down in front of the Heart.

8.    Move to the front of the student.


 1.    Open the student’s hands flat, holding them in your left hand, or if you are left-handed, hold them in your right.

2.    Draw the Usui Master Symbol in front of the student’s Third Eye chanting the secret name of the Symbol, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head through, the Third Eye.

3.    Draw the Power Symbol in front of the student’s Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Symbol to yourself, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head through, the Third Eye.

3.    Draw the Distant Symbol in front of the third Eye, chanting the Secret name of the symbol to yourself, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head, through the Third Eye.

4.    Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in front of the Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Symbol to yourself, three times, while visualizing it moving into the Head through the Third Eye.

5.    With your right hand, draw the Power Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times.

6.    With your right hand, draw the Distant Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times.

7.    With your right hand, draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times.

8.    Bring the student’s hands together and move them in front of the Heart. Blow over the hands, up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands to the Solar Plexus, and back to the hands. Return to back of your student.


 1.    Place your hands on the student’s shoulders and look down through the Crown Chakra, imagining you can see into the Heart Chakra. Place a positive affirmation into the student’s Heart by repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind.

2.    Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat this phrase; ‘’I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom.’’ while picturing a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked. Intend, will, and feel that the process it sealed and complete, and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source.

3.    Place your palms on the student’s shoulders and repeat the affirmation: ’’ We are both blessed by this process’’, or hold this feeling for several seconds.

4.    Move to the front of the student. Ask the student to place their hands palms down on their thighs, breathe deeply and slowly, while opening their eyes. You may add a final blessing of your own choosing.


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Rev. Arla M. Ruggles Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 
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