Ryo Akiyama's Digimon
Digi-Destined Bios Seas.1



name: Tk Takaishi (Takeru)
age: 8
siblings: matt ishida
digimon: Patamon
crest: Hope
Tk is the youngest digi-destined of the group. He tries to prove to the others that he is brave and strong expecially his brother Matt. Matt feels it is his job to protect Tk all the time. Tk does show that he could take care of him self and he doesnt need to be protected all the time.When Kari comes into the season he treats her like she is very special, he cares for her alot and he has to protect her from some of the digimon.



name: Kari Kamya (Hikari)
age: 8
siblings: Tai Kamya
digimon: Gatomon
crest: Light
Kari comes in during the middle of the season when Myotismon is attacking the digital world. She is the 8th digi-destined and very wise for her age. She looks to tk as her best friend and they share a special bond that no one could break. Tk often helps kari when she needs it and she helps him also.



name: Tai Kamya (Taichi)
age: 11
siblings: Kari Kamya
digimon: Agumon
crest: Courage
Tai is the leader of the digi-destined and he often leads them into alot of trouble, evan though the matt and him dont see eye to eye most of the time they consider them selves to be best friends. Tai holds the group together, with out him the group fell apart.



name: Matt Ishida (Yomato)
age: 11
siblings: Tk Takaishi
digimon: Gabumon
crest: friendship
Matt is the cool one of the group and he feels that he has to protect Tk from every thing. He often fights with Tai because he feels that Tai shouldn't be leading them. Evan though they fight they are best friends.



name: Sora Takenuchi
age: 11
siblings: none
digimon: Biyomon
crest: Love
Sora is a very caring person and she is the mother of the group. she takes care of Tai and Tk the most because she feels she has to. She dont think she deserves the crest of Love because she thinks she has a heart of ice.



name: Izzy Izzumi
age: 10
siblings: none
digimon: Tentomon
crest: knowledge
Izzy is the computer master of the group and he has many theories of the digital world. He has gotten the digi-destined out of most of the trouble that they have gotten into. If Izzy was not there the digi-destined would have been defeated.



name: Mimi Takagwa
age: 10
siblings: none
digimon: Palmon
crest: Sincerity
Mimi is the ditz of the group but she is also the most sincere person of the group. She don't really want to fight but she knows she has to. She wants everyone to enjoy here company and she dont want to see people or digimon get hurt but she does help them out when they are.



name: Joe Kido
age: 12
siblings: Jim Kido
digimon: Gomamon
crest: Relaibity
Joe is the worry wort of the group, he is the most careful digi-destined. He proves that he is very relaible one and get the digi-destined out of some of the trouble.

Digi-Destined Bios Seas.1

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