SB's World Today!
Live...  from Bailey, Colorado... or damn close to it.

Tuesday, September 28, 1999 7:30 AM MDT

How long?
Here is Jasper on April 23, 1999, doing the joyous doggie snow leap off the back deck...
how long before the next leap?

The News from SB's World

To the Northeast...


Above is the view towards Denver.

On the right, the thin, white line between the branches and those aspens is Pinon Road! The branches are the slash from the ponderosa pine that used to be there before the pine beetles got it. I mourn my lost trees. :(


To the Southwest...


Out the kitchen window...


The Snow Archives
What it was like on:
March 12, 1999
April 2, 1999
April 15, 1999
April 22, 1999
April 23, 1999
April 30, 1999

Email me!


More from this summer...

Nedstat Counter

Jas the snow dog

OK... I know this page never did get replaced by the Wildflower Page. The floppy drive in my PC died and I was too lazy to load pics onto the laptop, then email them to myself on the desktop PC. Let's see YOU figure out how to do it! Or... let's see YOU replace the drive yourself. (OK, so maybe five of you can!) Here is Jas among the wildflowers in the front yard this summer. This one is just to show you what you missed if you didn't make it up here to visit!