Save Our Selves
Part of the World Wide SOS Family


Over View

What is SOS

Organ ization from Europe

Sobriety Priority

James Christopher

Your Sobriety Toolkit

Europe Tool box

First 30  Days

Europe First
30 Days

SOS Dallas Guide to Starting a Meeting

SOS Behind Bars Guide  to  Starting a Meeting

Europe How to Start a Meeting

SOS Dallas Opening  Meeting

Relapse  Prevention

An SOS Approach to eating Disorders

Guide Book for Group Leaders

Behind Bars Posts

Family & Friends

SOS Conference 2000

SOS -AA From SOS Europe

SOS-AA as One Member Sees it

Discussion__ on 12 Steps

Why 12 Steps Work for Some People

Could Your Group be a Cult?

Chartered or Shackled

Scientific & Medical Articles

Limbic Lizard


Cyber Chips

SOS Links

SOS Links Print Out

Other Links


Real Time Chat


Links to Other Recovery Support Groups

Women For Sobriety, Inc.
is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions. Our "New Life" program helps achieve sobriety and sustain ongoing recovery.


SMART Recovery®:

  • Teaches self-reliance rather than reliance on a higher power
  • Views addiction as a complex maladaptive behavior rather than as a disease
  • Encourages you to recover and move on with your life
  • Does not use the labels "alcoholic" or "addict"
  • Does not have "sponsors"
  • Holds meetings which are actual discussions rather than a series of monologues
  • Advocates the appropriate use of prescribed medications and psychological treatments
  • Evolves as scientific knowledge evolves

This site is dedicated to presenting information and resources about the 16 Steps of Discovery and Empowerment developed by Charlotte Kasl, PHD. These Steps are featured in her book "Many Roads, One Journey - Moving Beyond the 12 Steps". 

"The (addicted) woman is attacked not only for her failure at motherhood, but for her abandonment of more general nurturing and caretaking functions that are at the core of the female role. 'Good' women are primarily concerned with the needs and welfare of others... and when women are no longer willing or able to serve.... - even for reasons beyond (their) control -- the response is usually not support or sympathy...."

LSR Life Ring
The  website of our splinter movement, Lifering Secular Recovery. 
Still has some good material, even though it likes to give the impression that all SOS 
groups now call themselves LSR and that there is some sort of endless litigation 
going on.  It's possible get misinformation about SOS on this web site.

Links & News-Letter

This website and news- letter is dedicated to those of us who are affected by alcoholism and or drug addiction. 

The Definitive Guide to Personal Growth, Self Improvement and Self-Help

People do recover, every single day. By many different means and methods, those who suffer from mental illness, alcoholism and addictions, eating disorders, grief and loss-through all of life's issues, people do get better. They rarely do it alone. If help is what you seek, we hope you'll find it here.

Recovery Net

It is the philosophy of this author that any and all recovery programs that help you to maintain abstinence from alcohol and other substances of abuse are legitimate.  In fact, modern research (e.g. Project MATCH ) has found that no form of addiction treatment is superior to any other.  In this spirit, Recovery Net intends to take an eclectic approach to the treatment of addictions.  For this, it coins the name ECLECTIC RECOVERY (ER).  Good luck in your quest to enjoy the benefits, freedoms, and comforts of a life in recovery.  R2  (anonymous author of Recovery Net).

Alcoholism with  Buddy T  Your Guide to One of Over  700 Sites

Alternatives to 12 Steps
The Powerfully Recovered! Big Link Directory


Would you like your  Group listed

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Duaine Metevia

Save Our Selves (SOS)
4773 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90027
Phone# 323-666-4295

Find a Meeting
If you want to become a part of SOS let James Christopher know you're out there.  If there is no meeting listed in your area, it could mean that there are people in your area who are waiting for more people to come forward and start a meeting.  The way meetings start are people contacting the clearing house and leaving their contact info.  Some cities only have phone contacts, people who will talk to you or meet with you for coffee so please leave your contact info; don't miss out.

The content of this web site is for your information only concerning the ideas and methods of self help groups. 
We do not accept any responsibility for their accuracy or use.
You agree to hold harmless the SOS organizations and webmaster from any and all 
liability arising directly or indirectly from your use of information contained in this web site. 
The use of any information is entirely the responsibility of the reader.
The same applies to all sites connected by links from this site. The webmaster does not accept responsibility for 
the content, operation or use of information on linked sites. 
Links to other sites do not mean approval, agreement or affiliation with those sites or their sponsors.