Hi, welcome to The Hanson Cinema. The reason I'm starting this website is because Hanson is back (though they were never really gone) with a vengence and I'm guessing that a whole new host of Hanson fans will begin to surf the web for good Hanson sites that don't have the whole 'teeny' setting. That's why I'm trying to make a mature Hanson fan site with all the cool stuff that you'd find on another Hanson site. Enjoy your visit to the Hanson Cinema, and feel free to click around.
Coming Soon: I'm going to do another short story here promptly, and I'm THINKING of starting and Editorials section, much like a rants section. And of course, I will be updating current stories sometime in the near future.
Attention:I forgot to put the link up when I wrote my This Time Around Tour review, but it's up now.
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