I walked in to the classroom that caused me dread last week, but made me nervous this week. Taylor would be there, and this time I would know him. And he'd be sitting next to me. I wondered if we'd be able to talk at all during the class...probably not. I sighed, and wished that class was over and that Taylor and I were off to a quick lunch to the deli already. I sat down in my seat and started getting comfortable. My eyes roamed the room and took in the now-familiar setting. Every few seconds I would glance at the door to see if Taylor had come yet. I glanced at my watch. Class would be starting in 2 minutes, and Taylor wasn't there yet. I sighed again. The girl sitting next to me turned to look at me.
"Are you ok?" She asked sweetly.
"Yeah, just bored. This class...though it's helped me meet a few people, really isn't very interesting." I admitted to her.
"I know," she said, before continuing in a whisper "but at least you don't have frankenstein for your partner." She jerked her thumb to her right and leaned back so I could get a better look at her partner. Ouch, she was right. I was lucky that Taylor was my partner. Not only was I pretty much assured a good grade (and the chance to work in a real studio), but I liked him, in more than one way.
"I'm sorry," I said sympathetically. Then I held out my hand to her. "I'm Andrea, what's your name?"
"Shirley. Don't make any jokes about it. My mom wanted me to be the next Shirley Temple, and that obviously hasn't worked." She said, rolling her eyes. I laughed a little and noticed Taylor walk in the door.
"Hey Shirley, I hate to cut this short, but Mr. Cherwin is staring at us. But I want to talk to you later, ok?" I asked. It was a nice feeling to know that I had more than one friend in this class.
"Sure! I'm in dorm room 43 in the Shockley Wing."
"Ok, I'm in the same wing, dorm 12." We both smiled at each other and I turned to face the front to listen to what Mr. Cherwin was saying.
"Hey," Taylor whispered as he lowered himself into his seat next to me. I nodded in return and continued to listen the Cherwin as he talked about different styles of composing. I stifled a yawn. I wasn't stupid, I knew that composing classical music was totally different than composing rap music, but he continued to talk about the different genres. I was taking notes, without even paying attention to what I was writing, when I saw something fall off Taylor's desk. I looked down and saw a little piece of paper. He picked it up and handed it to me with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him when I realized that he'd written me a little note. I unfolded it quietly and look at what it said.
Hi Andrea. Just wanted to let you know that I'm excited about working on our project and going to RS tonight. Hey, what's up with Cherwin? Does he think we're in first grade or something?? -Tay
I smiled and wrote my own response hastily.
I'm excited too, hoping we can get a lot of work done, and still have fun. I don't think that will be a problem. Are your brothers coming tonite to RS? I'd be so nervous if all three of you showed up! Cherwin is Gay, -Andrea
I handed the note back to him, with a little smile playing on my lips. Maybe class wouldn't be as bad afterall.
Ike and Zac might show up, but if they do they'll have to go early. They kinda thought you'd be intimidated by them, but I know you'll do fine. Will my being there make you nervous? Down with the Chew-man, -Tay
I won't be nervous in front of you because I'm comfortable with you. And your brothers are cool but I don't know them very well, and I wouldn't be able to tell what they were thinking. Cherwin must die, -Andrea
I'm glad you're comfortable around me. That's really important for people when you work with them. Your shirt reminds me of my mother. Member of the ACA, -Tay.
Your mother?!?! ACA?? -Andrea
Yes, my mother. I'll have you know that I love my mother very much, and there was a picture from her in the 70's with a shirt somewhat similar to that on and yours reminded me of it. That's a good thing, I swear. ACA=Anti Cherwin Association. -Tay Ah...I see. Everything is so clear now. Haha. I just noticed, your outfit reminds me of my dead grandpa. Take care, -Andrea
Gee, you really know how to shoot a guy down when he's flying high. I guess I just won't give you compliments anymore then. ACA Forever, -Tay
You probably don't have anymore compliments anway, Mr. Suave. Sorry about the grandpa thing. That was a little crude. CHU, -Andrea
I have plenty of compliments, but YOU just won't get to hear any of them. All's forgiven about the grandpa thing. CHU? -Tay
I want to hear them, I do I do! If you REALLY forgive me about the grandpa thing, then you'd tell me one. Cherwin Haters Unite, -Andrea
I do forgive you, but my bruised little ego is frail, and can't imagine the possibility of being rejected again. ACA is better than CHU, -Tay
I will never reject you again, I SWEAR. (Oh, about my little fan club, BITE ME!!!) :) -Andrea
Never? -Tay
Okay, maybe I will, but not in a bad way. -Andrea
Ok, since I have this promise, do you want to go out to dinner and a movie on Sunday after we finish recording? -Tay
Um...I think I hear my mom calling me. Just kidding. Sure, that'd be fine. Oh! Class is over in five minutes!! -Andrea
Yay, you didn't reject me. My ego is peeking out of its little confine now. Let's go get some lunch!!! -Tay