Hey kiddies! All new WWHD bracelets like the one pictured to the left are now available for the very minimal price of $4.57!!!

shipping and handling charges will be added

Wow girls! WHAT A DEAL! I'm sure you're all wondering, 'I already have my WWJD bracelet from 1997. Whyever would I need a WWHD one?' Well, that's what I'm here to tell you. Have you ever been about to yell at your younger sibling, kick a dog, or stick your finger in the cake frosting before? Perhaps if you had a TOTALLY AWESOME WWHD bracelet on your wrist or ankle, you'd think, "Hm....what would Hanson do? Surely, since they're perfect and all, they wouldn't yell at their siblings, kick a doggie, or stick their fingers in cake frosting. Why should I have this horrible impulse to do something that my future-husbands wouldn't do?"

Well kiddies, now you have a reason! WWHD Bracelets are the new rage! And the good thing is, now you don't have to have a reason to say no when your WAY COOL friends offer you drugs, alcohol, or other bad and naughty things. For example, I'm sure you can imagine this conversation happening with you and your homie-galz: "Like, Kirsten, do you want a joint of Mary Ju-anna????" Glance down sadly at you WAY COOL WWHD bracelet (the new rage) and slowly shake your head.

"I like, so totally can't. Would Hanson do that? I don't think so Jayleena. I mean, they don't do ANYTHING wrong. They don't even say the C word (C-R-A-P) or the S word (S-U-C-K) because they are perfect! I couldn't disappoint them. And I know when they meet me and see my wrist with this WAY COOL WWHD (the new rage) bracelet, they'll know that I'm a good girl and they'll know that they've inspired me."

"Wow Kirsten, that is SO TOTALLY WAY COOL! (Like the new WWHD bracelets) Where can I get one?"

"Well Jayleena, you can call this TOTALLY HOTT (with two T's because Taylor ROCKS MY WORLD!!!) WWHD (the new rage) bracelet by calling 1800-WWHD-TNR. You can remember that by our ULTRA SUPER DUPER CATCHY SLOGAN (much like a Hanson song, *giggles*)What Would Hanson Do: The New Rage!!!!"

"Like, omifreakingosh, I need one now!!!"

See girls, when you get this WAY COOL WWHD BRACELET (the new rage), you'll be SO in to all the hot parties! It's your new ticket to fame! So remember, What Would Hanson Do? Probably not that, because they're perfect. That's what we like to believe here at Totally 4 Hanson Production Co.

Colors: Zacalicious honey-hair, Ike-amazing bronze-tan, Talorupmtious Blue-eyes

Textures: Leather (just like Tay-tay's Pants!!!), Brace-tracks (actually off Ikey's chompers!!!), Braided (Awesome! It's Animal's luscious locks!!!)

Prints: Gee-tah string fiasco, keyboard explosion, and drum-beat kewlness

This isn't meant to be offensive, it's supposed to be funny. You never know (whoa whoa whoa), that whole COMEDY thing might've thrown some people.
[comedies] [home-h-home-home-home]
*If anyone finds this sacreligious, that is not how I'm intending it. I'm trying to prove the point that some people need to take Hanson off the HEE-UGE pedestal they're on.