SELPHIE: *shudder* I hate Sephiroth, but yeah, we still need an info page on him.
RINOA: Yeah, and this page has lots of spoilers.
NAME: Sephiroth (why doesn't he have a last name?) 
AGE: I finally found out his precise age! He's 30! He lookz 50+ -_- 
WEAPON: He only has one kind of sword through the whole game, the Masamune. 
HEIGHT: 6'1" 
B-DAY: Unknown 
BIRTHPLACE: I'm guessing Nibelheim. 
DESCRIPTION: During Cloud's flashback in Kalm, you notice that Sephiroth is not as psycho back then than he is now. In fact, he seemed nice and junk back then. But after learning about the Jenova Project (read below), he becomes his totally psycho present self. Lemme put it this way; back then, he was pretty okay. But now, he's a blood-thirsty psycho.  
SELPHIE: We know relatively a lot about Sephiroth's past, because- heh- he was part of the Jenova Project, which was concentrated on a lot during the game. Sephiroth is the son of Lucrecia, and Jenova if you really care. But newayz, the Jenova project goes like this- Prof. Gast found a living 3,000 year old organism, namely Jenova. It was believed to be an Ancient; Hojo wanting to carry this experiment even further. He, along with other scientists including Lucrecia, wanted to inject Jenova cells into a human baby before his birth (this baby is Sephiroth @_@). They did so, and soon Gast finds out to his disapointment that Jenova isn't even an Ancient. I'm guessing that Sephiroth's birthplace is Nibelheim, and I think he was raised in Midgar afterwards, hence joining SOLDIER. I think this because the Jenova Project was taking place in Nibelheim, afterall. And I think he was brought to Midgar, because if he was raised in Nibelheim, Cloud and everyone woulda known him ^_^ As Sephiroth grows older, he becomes known as the "best" SOLDIER of Shinra Inc. 5 years ago, he learned all about the Jenova Project. He goes mentally crazy, and just loses it. Afterwards, he believes that he is an Ancient because he thinks Jenova was (even though it wasn't). He released Jenova because he believes that only he & Jenova have the right to keep the Promised Land. In other words, because of Sephiroth, everyone's life is ruined. He summons Meteor, which kills everyone 'cept for RedXIII and other living things that aren't human. Along with the rest of his life, he kills a bunch of people (including Aeris @_@) and he's being hunted down by both Shinra & Cloud's party.
RINOA: Like we said, Sephiroth only has one initial weapon throughout the game.
SELPHIE: And that's his Katana, called the Masamune; which only he can handle.
RINOA: And it's strange 'cause the only time he uses this is to kill a buncha people.
SELPHIE: So we're devoting this section to help everyone beat Sephiroth during the end of the game ^_^ Just read below.
RINOA: Since this is Sephiroth's section, we're skipping all the Jenovas.
SELPHIE: But if you're stuck on Jenova, just e-mail us or check out the walkthru.
RINOA: Below is help on beating Bizzaro Sephiroth's, A-E:
BOSS: Bizzaro Sephiroth A (Lv: 61  HP: 40000  MP: ???)
          Bizzaro Sephiroth B (Lv: 61  HP: 2000  MP: 400)
            Bizzaro Sephiroth C (Lv: 61  HP: 10000  MP: 400)
          Bizzaro Sephiroth D (Lv: 61  HP: 4000  MP: 400)
         Bizzaro Sephiroth E (Lv: 61  HP: 4000  MP: 400)
I suggest starting off by casting Wall, Haste, and Regen on your team. Now use your very best attacks, such as Ultima and stuff. Summons spells also work. You have to kill a bunch of his body parts, and once you do, you get the option of switching your party. Part C is the yellow orb, which only one of your parties can damage. Now attack the yellow orb with that party, until you get some message saying that Cloud can attack Part C, too. Destroying Part C first is easier; then you can destroy the other parts. Using the Knights of the Round materia usually works great! Now for his attacks; he can heal himself with 'Bizarro Energy'. He can also use it to revive his other body parts @_@ He uses Demi 3, hitting your allies with 1500+, Fire Ray that hits your allies with 1700+, and "Fallen Angel", similar to H*ll's Judgment of Ultimecia "True", from FF8. This attack reduces your allies HP to only one point. So be careful. Frankly, this Sephiroth was very easy.
SELPHIE: Don't get fooled by the name; he isn't very safe.
RINOA: Read below to find out how to beat him.
BOSS: Safer Sephiroth (Lv: ??  HP: 72359  MP: ???)
Keep this in mind; Sephiroth's stats depend on: 1) How many allies are at Lv. 99 2) Safer is more vicious if Cloud is at Lv. 99 3) How long it took to kill Jenova. Even if everyone is at Lv. 99, he is still not much of a match; but he can kill ya if you don't be careful. Let me focus on his attacks first. He can use Flare, Wall, Slow, Doom, Break, and Dispel. His harder-hitting spells are "SuperNova", which looks really really really scary (and it's 2 minutes long!). Even if it looks the scariest, it only hits 1100-1200 (and it can cause silence and/or confusion). "Pale Horse" is another attack, causing 3700-3800 points of damage. "Dein" is another attack, hitting 1200-1300. He can use "Wind Slash", hitting a whooping 5000 points, which can kill low-leveled party members. Our advice on him? Use wall, then constantly heal and revive characters. Also cast haste. The best attacks to use on him are physical attacks (if they're strong), summon materia, & Ultima.
SELPHIE: My final word about him overall is that he really is no great match. Frankly, Ultimecia from FF8 was harder. The weapons were wayyyyyy harder than Sephiroth; luckily, they were optional. NeWayz, when I battled Bizzaro Sephiroth, it was a cinch (even when I accidentally switched to my Lv. 31 Yuffie & Cait). I only had to use Knights of the Round twice during the whole battle with the Sephiroths, and I didn't use it once on Jenova. Safer Sephiroth was pretty hard, but still no match. He only got to use SuperNova on me once, and that's his most commonly used attack. I was in a big hurry when I was battling him, 'cause I hadta go somewhere really really really soon, and I couldn't turn off the game without beating him. So it took me only 20 minutes ^_^ If you still need help beating him, just e-mail me or Rinoa!