SELPHIE: Welcome to the Squall Leonhart page!
RINOA: Containing info about our lovable favorite SeeD ^_^
SELPHIE: If you haven't played the whole game, don't read on unless you don't mind the spoilers ^^;
NAME: Squall Leonhart 
AGE: 17 
WEAPON: Gunblade 
HEIGHT: 5'8" 
B-DAY: August 23 
BIRTHPLACE: Probably Winhill. 
OCCUPATION: SeeD Mercenary 
LIMITBREAK: Renzoukuken 
DESCRIPTION: Squall plays a MAJOR role in FF8, and he's the leading male role, so ^^ Squall is anti-social and seems very cold-hearted and serious, but actually this has to do with his childhood (see below). He hardly ever talks, and he's also very kyoote ^_^
SELPHIE: Lots of Squall's past was revealed, but we only know about his life in the orphanage and so forth. It's believed that Squall's parents are Laguna (the "silly Galbadian soldier") and Raine (the lady that took care of Ellone). During the dream sequences, it was quite obvious that the two love each other. However, that part of the game is a bit unraveled. At the end, you see an FMV of Laguna proposing to Raine (weird way of proposing, btw o.O). Did Laguna & Raine get married, or did Laguna leave before they got to? If Squall is their son, how come his last name is Leonhart, but yet Raine puts "Raine Loire" on her tombstone? In the Japanese version, it's confirmed that Raine is Squall's mother, but I'm not sure about Laguna being Squall's father. Anyway, according to my own theory, here's how it goes. After Laguna proposes to Raine, Ellone gets kidnapped by those Esthar soldiers, so Laguna runs off (and Raine is pregnant now, I guess). During Laguna's long pursuit, he finally finds her in Esthar, where the evil tyrant Adel reigns. Adel and Professor Odine are very interested in Ellone (because of her ability to send people back into the past), so Laguna had to concote a plan to get her back. If you want to know more about this, check out Laguna's info (sorry) ^_^; But let's skip through; Laguna saves Ellone and returns her to Winhill (but doesn't go into town). He goes back to Esthar as soon as possible, and blah. Back in Winhill, Raine dies while giving birth to Squall, so poor Ellone and baby Squall are sent to an orphanage 'cause Laguna is having a joyous time ruling Esthar o.O After a few years in the orphanage (when Squall is atleast 6), Ellone suddenly disapeers (she's actually with Edea, trying to hide from Ultimecia). Squall is very upset about this, and after that starts keeping to himself and pondering through his own thoughts and waiting for "Sis" to finally return. That explains how Squall devoloped into the person he is now o.O However, in the game, he finally reunites with "Sis" and his stone-cold heart melts a little because of Rinoa ^_^
RINOA: Below are some facts about Squall in the game that you might need...
1) Revolver
2) Shear Trigger
3) Cutting Trigger
4) Flame Saber
5) Twin Lance
6) Punishment
7) Lion Heart
1) ---
2) +4
3) +10
4) +12
5) +15
6) +18
7) +26
1) 255%
2) 255%
3) 255%
4) 255%
5) 255%
6) 255%
7) 255%
1) M-stone Piece, Screws
2)SteelPipe, Screws
3) Mesmerize Blade, Screws
4) Betrayal Sword, Turtle Shell, Screws
5) Dino Bone, Red Fang, Screws
6) Chef's Knife, Star Fragment, Turtle Shell, Screws
7) Adamantine, Dragon Fang, Pulse Ammo
M-STONE PIECE- Bite Bugs at Accauld Plains (or Card Mod. Bite Bug Card).
SCREWS- Geezard at Montersou Plateau, Hasberry Plains, Great Plains of Galbadia, or Vaulny Canyon (or Card Mod. Geezard Card).
STEELPIPE- Mug a Wendigo at Great Plains of Galbadia or Hasberry Plains
MESMERIZE BLADE- Mesmerize at Nika Snowfields, Thor Peninsula, Hawkwind Plains, Trabia Garden, or Trabia Crater (or Card Mod. Mesmerize Card).
BETRAYAL SWORD- Forbidden at Grandidi Forest or Cetra Ruins.
TURTLE SHELL- Armaddo at Tomb of the Unknown King.
DINO BONE- T-Rexaur at Accauld Plains (forests), Balamb Training Center, or Island Closest to Hell (or Card Mod. T-Rexaur Card).
RED FANG- Chimera at Khashabald Desert or Island Closest to Hell.
CHEF'S KNIFE- Tonberry at Cetra Ruins (or Card Mod. Tonberry Card).
STAR FRAGMENT- Iron Giants at Deep Sea Deposit or Esthar City).
ADAMANTINE- Adamantoise at Long Horn Island (shores).
DRAGON FANG- Blue Dragon at Island Closest to Hell or Winter Island.
PULSE AMMO- Ammo-RF Power Generator, Laser Cannon, or Energy Crystal.
SELPHIE: Squall's Limit Break is Renzoukuken ("repetitive slashes"). When you unleash Renzoukuken, a window appears at the bottom of the screen. As Squall performs his limit break, you can press the R1 button (the trigger to Squall's gunblade) to inflict more damage. During the limit break, press R1 right when a light flashes in the smallest, middle box. As you play the game, you'll be able to do some "Finishing Blows" when Squall performs Renzoukuken. You have a 1/6 chance of executing a finishing blow, however. Below are the finishing blows:
ROUGH DIVIDE: Squall glides his gunblade through the ground, then lifts it and debris from the ground hits the enemy. Sorry, I'm not good at descriptions ^^; But this finishing blow attacks a single opponent and is learned when you have the Revolver.
FATED CIRCLE: Squall just leaps into the air and glides his gunblade 360 degrees, which forms fire spark-thingiez on the enemies. It attacks all enemies and is learned with the Shear Trigger.
BLASTING ZONE: Squall deeply cuts the ground and hits his enemies (another bad description -_-). This affects all enemies, and is learned with either the Twin Lance, Flame Saber, or the Punishment.
LION HEART: This is kind of like Cloud's Omnislash, except more damaging. Squall slashes the enemy 16 times, each time 9999 HP damage!! After Lion Heart, there is an additional 9999 HP damage depending on Squall's strength stats.