Qualifying Round
Pool E Round-Robin Game
Geezers from Hell (GfH)
PylDryvr | Sir Shaddock | BigDaddy
Grinwing | Gothmog | BeefyTremendous
Hand of Lathandar (HoL)
Thanatos | Kore

Game 1

Game 1 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Geezers from Hell 55 7 win + 40% Win
Hand of Lathandar 100 0   Loss

The first game between GfH and HoL is one of great carnage. GfH goes for the ever-popular pus while HoL picks the more orthodox setup relying on force of numbers to win the game. HoL is off to a slow toddle towards center while the swifter ghols of GfH run through the flanks, scouting and searching for wights. Almost directly following HoL's arrival at center they do something quite unexpected; a rush. It is, however, obvious from the start that HoL is not going to come out very well out of the coming battle. The mixed forces of GfH are more than HoL's micromanaging skills can deal with and GfH makes short work of the confused masses of oncoming thrall and warriors. HoL's archers to the rear get attacked by ghols in a pus attack which is rather useless point-wise, but deals a nasty psychological blow to HoL's already obvious defeat.

Game 2

Game 2 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Geezers from Hell 86 6 win + 3 flags Win
Hand of Lathandar 96 3 3 flags Loss

The same setups are repeated for game two; the Damned Geezers go for pus while HoL relies on big troops. GfH block the bridge early on and send a smaller detatchment of warriors northwards and pussed ghols on the flanks. HoL does nothing fancy and puts everything in center. GfH start dunking wights in the waters, soon followed by one from HoL. The Geezers get a bit jumpy battling ghols at the bridge and a group of thrall get wighted. They do, however save their own wight from being popped as well and therefore have an advantage. HoL secures the waters south of the bridge by getting rid of their and GfH's wight there and charges across the bridge. The wight from the northern waters gets in some major damage on HoL and the battle at center is on. Negligence kills HoL's archers to the west of the melee and they get hacked to pieces by ghols and the northern warrior force before doing any damage. GfH are heavily outnumbered at the bridge, but manage to get some good results through a pussing, archers from the east and reinforcements from west. It almost seems as if HoL is going to win, but they somehow get hammered and lose their last thrall to archers. Barely anything is left of either team, but GfH has the advantage. HoL has a chance at victory in this one, but do not manage to dance quickly enough to capture the winning flag. Some success in cutting down archers is achieved, but after a pussing in northeast, the game is over. The final flag count is 3-3. GfH wins the game.

Editor's note: Watch as a ghol named Butcher once again hacks down four thrall, this time in melee! I love it!

Game 3

Game 3 Results
Team Units Lost Points Scoring Breakdown Result
Geezers from Hell 19 7 win + 4 flags Win
Hand of Lathandar 28 4 4 flags Loss

HoL seems to get the break they need in the final game, when they get the northern starting position. GfH starts in the southwest and is therefore at a great disadvantage. HoL tags the two center flags early on, but fails completely to take advantage of the situation by not tagging the IV, the western flag and losing all their trow in center. GfH now has 4 flags and can go on the defensive with most of their forces. Two of the damaged GfH trow stomp towards northeast in an attempt to get a complete victory. HoL manages to kill off the first two of GfH's badly mauled trow, but the third one does some damage before being killed. HoL attempts to capture the southern flag by sending a force mainly consisting of warriors and get badly hammered by GfH. For a moment GfH have an empty flag, but HoL's last berserk is in no position to capture it. GfH wins the last game without a complete victory.

Match Summary (films)

Match Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total Result
Geezers from Hell 7 6 7 20 Win
Hand of Lathandar 0 3 4 7 Loss

Some nice moves by GfH against the quite hapless HoL. GfH shows good skill at pussing and wighting as well as unit control. This reviewer, however, is a bit sceptical whether all those four-lettered foul words are needed. Both teams use it many a times when unfortunate accidents occur.

- The Crimson King

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:48 1998