Mac Gamers' Guild (MG)

"Everything is better on a mac."

Qualifying Round: Pool E

44 Points from 4 Matches
(2 Forfeits)
Forces Overcome: 386     Casualties: 401

MG vs. HoL
19 : 6
MG vs. GfH
8 : 19

Player Roster
Homer (login: ichyskrchy)
Elvaen (login: elvaen)
War Child (login: warrchild)
Runner (login: runner)
Cerius (login: bdsin)
Crusader (login: crusader)

Contact Details
Captain: Homer (ICQ 13903728)
Alternate: Elvaen

Player7Name: Egg Player7Login: egbert Nothing is known about the order's formation, career highlights, preferred playing styles, strengths and weaknesses. If the Captain wants to remedy this (and they should) then they should contact the tournament organisers with this information.

Generated by MWCgen: Wed Sep 9 14:52:47 1998