Hicks Researchers, from all over the United States, and some other Countries are listed in the Area below. |
The Hicks Newsletter has had contact with everyone that is listed on these "State Page of Researchers". When looking at the State listing, you will notice some are "underlined". These are researchers that have an e-mail address. You can write them directly for information of their family, from the underline e-mail link. You will notice there are many without e-mail links. If you see someone listed, and I don't have an e-mail for them, perhaps you know their e-mail address, please send it to me, so I can write to them and ask if they would like to make the correction an to be added to the list. When you register your email address please make sure to keep us up to date, when and if you make a change to your emails. Others will still be able to make contact with you. Thanks
Happy Hicks Researching and I hope this information will help you in making some new contacts and family cousin connections!!
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