One of the most truly delightful people I have met online is known affectionately as A Dove by the "Nestlings" who frequent her poetry forum.
Diamond Dusted

Hardwood planks creak
under lonely footsteps darkened path
mindless fingers smudging snowflake frost
as hazy eyes reflect starry facets
set in silver-white bisque
earth cleansed
wearing nothing
except her finest diamond cloth

In Dinner Attire

In dinner attire
our demons
ravenously awaiting
fast running
hazy eyed alleys
faster still
the racing heart
escaping to nowhere
'til night departs.

What Would Happen?

If flesh did not exist
if blood no longer spilled
and minds no longer plotted
Would you accept me?
If you looked inside
and saw my soul
felt my heart
Could you open your heart?
To the child inside
extend your smile
and help me grow
Would you love me?
For who I am
celebrate our diversities
realizing we compliment each other
Do you know my name?
Spoken in tongues of many nations
inviting my presence

Song of Madness

When night grows still
I feel your hands
fingers of the wind
drawing me near
as leaves swirl upward
past my head
I feel myself falling
spiraling deep purple
held mid-air
griping blackness
as sealed passageways
open to time and remembrance
waving torches
searing my madness
and I find myself standing
tip-toeing rock
to my touch
as I sway side-to-side
for a momentary glimpse
of the cavern
where time has no bounds
its walls reverberate
and I follow your song
to insanity

How Peaceful, This Night

Tea cup in hand, I carefully open the wooden screened door
making my way ‘round the side table, to my favorite chair
an oversized, carved, oak rocker.
The muted floral back pillow, a little worn, is so comfortable.
From my porch, I smile and enjoy the sweetness
in a cup of freshly brewed mint tea,
while being lulled by the tranquil landscape.
This time of year, so beautiful, as life renews itself
turning barren branches into soft spring greenery
inviting colorful song birds to nest.
The early bulbs have sprouted, sprinkling pastel hues
extending from the distant cracked-white gateway
and cascading around the rock footpath, leading to my porch.
Down the road a way, I hear the neighbor calling her little ones to supper.
Placing my tea cup on the lace doily, adorning the table
my hand skims over my favorite book
my book of memories, from long ago and far away.
Oh, I've forgotten my glasses. Are they on the bed stand, or....??
Well, no matter. I'm forever misplacing something.
Still, my mind cradles these images with unfaded clarity
remembering a time when I could waltz on the breeze.
Feeling the moist evening air, I draw my shawl closer.
My aging companion, so peaceful, now rests, curled up on my lap.
Her fluffy, silver fur reflects the rose and violet sunset.
So beautiful, the coming of this night, as heaven displays her lights.
How gentle, this night
taking me back to a night long ago.
How peaceful, this night...

All poetry on this page is the sole property of the author.
Copyright © 1998  Cynthia L. Proctor  (A Dove)
 More of Dove's poems are available on my Depression poem page!
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[A Dove] [BloodCovered] [Candalee] [Calico Cat] [c lintj ones] [Dead Guy Walking] [Ike Walton] [Lumpy Kevin] [Mercysmine] [Mom TLC] [Molitov 51] [The Well Wisher] [Vanatelli] [Wintersong]
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