Word 4 the Week Archives
Week 1: APOCRYPHAL: of questionable authenticity
Week 2: ASPERSION: slanderous remark
Week 3: ATONE: make amends for; pay for.
Week 4: AUGURY: omen; prophecy
Week 5: BEHEMOTH: huge creature; monstrous animal
Week 6: BEHOOVE: be suited to; be incumbent upon
Week 7: idem
Week 8: BIVOUAC: temporary encampment
Week 9: BLASE: bored with pleasure or dissipation
Week 10: CAREEN: lurch; sway from side to side
Week 11: CAVIL: make frivolous objections
Week 12: CHIMERICAL: fantastic; highly imaginative.
Week 13: CYNOSURE: the object of general attention.
Week 14: DASTARD: coward.
Week 1: DEIGN: condescend.
Week 2/3: DEMUR: delay; object.
Week 4: DESCANT: discuss fully.
Week 5: EBULLIENT: showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm.
Week 6/7: EFFETE: worn out; exhausted; barren.
Week 4: EFFETE: worn out; exhausted; barren.
Copyright © Christopher Wintergene1998-1999
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