In short, time has shifted into fifth gear and is moving with its proverbial speed. Needless-to-say, the Writing Center is attempting to do the same by providing quality service to all those who enter it. The rapid advent of a significant number of literary material -- newspapers to name but one -- on the Internet is an indication of how necessary it is to supplement actual and physical with the virtual.
Nonetheless, one cannot deny that Coca-Cola was right when it spun the leitmotiv that "you can't beat the real thing". That is why the Writing Center will always be around -- tutors, coffee and Director alike -- to give students the best service possible.
Regrettably, the Writing Center has had a chequered past. Nevertheless, it has gained considerable ground in dispelling previous stereotypes: in November 1998, the Centre saw over hundred students as opposed to eighty the previous month.
Finally, we hope that this website will do the ultimate: help inspire people write