Aaron's web page
All About Me


All About Me
If life was like TV
M Board
Dial T for Problems
Link to the net
Banners and stuff

Ah a page that has nothing but about me on it.

Ok well I really can't think of anything else to write for this page so email me or something with questions and I'll add it to this or something. Also after getting so many surveys I thought I put one up here so you can get the load down on me the qucik and easy way. ^-^

Survey says........

Well lets begin at the begining. I was born here and raised here in New Glasgow for my whole life. Then a whole lot of nothing has happen up to now. Besides major operations, car crashes, injuries, paint ball and various other activites that invole pain. I have a good .. or was it evil twin I can't remember Noraa. Now I'm taking my education at St FX so I'm now university bound most of the time now. So I'm off now.... someone stole my mango juice and I got to get it back....

This here is a photo taken when me and my brother couldn't decided on what tv station to leave it on..... I'm the one in the green.

Ok I'm back now and I got my mango juice back now on with my life story......Your still reading this well you want to know more well alrighty then. The things I like well movies the funny and action ones I like the best ^-^. I like playing video games, From Mario bros to Sonic. My fav type of game is RPG's (role playing games) like Final Fantasy, Secert of Mana and Breath of Fire. They have great story lines and takes some thinking to play them. Enough of that for now time to talk about other things. Paint ball is a great game to play.. till you get hit. Over the years me and a few other people have made 3 different courses to play in like a forest sceen to a moutainous region to jungle war fare. Each course has its own style of play and surrondings. When I'm not shooting people theres Wrestling or better known as my English movies. We could take any book and make it one action movie, We have done alot in them like making dummies and running them over with cars, thrown people off roofs, made huge fight sceens on ground on top of hills and on top of roofs too, also using props like swords, sticks and more. We pass these in and we still get good marks for them too go figure huh. Now I must go to do nothing or something... or go work at subway what ever comes up.