Aaron's web page
Survey says........


All About Me
If life was like TV
M Board
Dial T for Problems
Link to the net
Banners and stuff

Due to change.... depending on my mood


name: Aaron
nicknames: Link..... ok its not but if I say it enough times it will be true
age: 20
birthdate: Nov 28th
zodiac sign: Sagatruis
birthplace: Planet x-962487.... oh wait I mean Earth ya right...
location: Center of the universe
hair color: Brown Blonde
eye color: Sky blue
school: St FX
pets: Jsut the forest animals
siblings: Nick
righy or lefty: Theres my right and my other right whats this left you speak of
shoe size: 11.5
hobbies: Drawing and just laying out on the grass

drink: Whatever
food: Some form of chicken
number: 034756082907230923-7532957580-479483749090 lol
color: Red and blue
band: Don't have a fav
candy: hmmmmmmmmmmm candy
tv show: Simspons, Gundam wing, Rockman and Family guy
kind of music: Techno all the way
book: Boo oo oookkk..... wha the??
radio station: Is the devil THE DEVIL
flavor: Sweet... ya that'll work
scent: As long as it smells good I'm fine with it
musical instrument: Sax
animal: Gots to be a dragon or Phonix.... you can't say they don't exsits
movie: So many... so many can't think..
quote: There is more things between heaven and Earth dear Horatio that we can even dream of in our philospioy
school subject: Art and anything else thats not work.
day of the week: Whenever I'm not working

sport to play: Hockey and any other contact sport
sport to watch: I rather play then watch
restaurant: Mings
mall: Whatever mall has good shops in them
store: If it has flashy lights I'm already in there
cartoon: Look under shows
season: Winter and summer
flower: I'm a guy we don't know flowers
emotion: The one... that does.. the thing... you know... the thing!!!!
piece of clothing: My flashy shirts got to love the colors ^.^
salad dressing: Ack grass eeewwww
shoes: The one pair I have
brand: there all the same

what cd do you listen to the most: The ones I make up
what cd do you want: Have no clue
what cd do you have that you hate: none
what concerts have you been to: The ones up at X
what concerts do you want to go to: again don't know

what movie have you watched a million times: Gundam Wing Endless Waltz 
what movie always makes you cry: none
what movie always makes you laugh: The Austain powers ones
what movie is the most boring: Chick flicks

::one or the other::
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
black or white: I need both to draw
sweet or salty: SWEEEET
1 pillow or two: 2
is the glass half full or half empty: Shut the hell up I'm still pouring the glass you smart ass
mtv or vhi: whatever
up or down: ahh... ahh....*hovers* Can't think of either one
right of left: Left
blind or deaf: You can't make me choose your not the boss of me
night or day: Night
cold or hot: Hot
gap or old navy:Don't care
coke or pepsi: They both are the same so again I don't care
summer or winter: both
spring or fall: both.... mawhahahahahahahahaha I win
kiss or hug: Either one whatever
messy or clean: Knowing me it will always be messy
nice or mean: Nice
clean or dirty: Clean
smart or dumb: Smart!
ring or bracelet: Bracelet... thats if it fits on my arm
movie or tv: Tv cause movies can be on it
pen or pencil: pencil for everything
long or short hair: Long
e-mail or snail mail: Both are good
what's your favorite place to visit: Anywhere but here *holds up a sign*
where do you really want to visit: Japan, England, spain, egypt... oh man I don't have enough room for all this.
have you ever been out of the country: yup
if so where: The states
where do you not want to go:Not sure 
why: I think thats obvious

do you get along with your family: Yes
if you could do anything right now what would it be: Fly or go on a adventure
if you could have one wish what would it be: To have more wishes or something to give me more wishes
why: Well if the first one backfires I can fix it

what do you want to be: lets see a game desiger or animator or even charater artist or maybe just a traveling arttist that would be fun.
what college do you want to attend: I'm going to X so there we go
do you want to get married: Yes
where do you want to live: NOt sure too far ahead of me to plan
how many kids do you want to have: 1 or 2
kids names: cross that bridge when I get there

::what do you think of::
dog: woof
bat: Batman!?
tape: Wall
mouse: pest
computer: *hugs the screen* lol
paper: Drawing
phone: a what?
money: have none unversity student
movie: explosions
suit case: Bond... James Bond
gap: drop
pen: Sword
test: eep didn't study
school: Yeah people
teacher: prof
spring break: oh man... where am I
summer: almost over *crise*
brother: ya
sister: boo ya got none
mom: Mom
dad: Dad.... what ya think it would be
honest: You better be
fake: alot of things
britney spears: is she still around? 
n'sync: aren't they gone now? 
bill clinton: Better times gone by
napster: music I could never get before
bill gates: good for him
sports: TACKLE

::when did you last::
take a shower: Today 
watch tv: I'm doing that now
eat: see above
travel: all the time... I wish
drive: Today.... damn mornings
take a car ride: like every day
drink something: That goes under the catagory of eating
talk on the phone: what is this thing this ph..one you speak of
call someone: you mean you call people on this thing
cried: bla
cut your hair: aug 2
sleep: this morning
got in a fight: I don't get into fights... I get into arguments that are violent

::would you ever::
sky dive: yup
bungee jump: nope
deep sea dive: yup and see all the fishys too.