







AB Picture Converter

It allows you to read and view image files in 63 formats and convert them to 27 formats.

screen shot

You can apply over 15 effects, flip, mirror, tile, adjust colors, contrast, brightness, add different types of borders, adjust edges of the picture, add text to picture, etc. It supports scanning and printing. A screen capture engine is also included; you can capture all the desktop, only one window (with or without title bar) or you can capture from mouse cursor. It reads the following formats: avs, bmp, bw, cdr, cdt, cel, clp, cmx, cpt, cur, cut, dcx, dib, flc, fli, fpx, gif, ham, icn, ico, iff, img, jff, jif, jmx, jpeg, jpg, lbm, mac, mng, msp, mtv, mvg, ofx, pat, pbm, pc2, pcd, pct, pcx, pic, pgm, png, pnm, ppm, psd, pyx, qfx, rad, ras, rgb, rle, sam, scx, sep, sgi, sun, tga, tif, udi, wpg, zbr. It writes the following formats: lbm, cel, avs, scx, dib, cut, fpx, ico, jpg, mvg, bmp, mtv, mng, bmp, gif, pic, pbm, pcd, psd, rad, rgb, ras, tif, tga, dcx, pcx.

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You can redistribute the shareware version of this software as long as you keep all the files unmodified. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the software to a human perceivable form. You may not create derivative works based upon the software.

Evaluation versions of the application is fully functional for 10 times, but every time when you open it a 'nag screen' will appear. Retail versions of the application do not display this message box and do not contain any time restrictions.
Copyright 2002 AB Software, All rights reverved