Here is where you will be able to find profiles of some of the greatest wrestlers to ever step into the squared circle. The current profile is about Mr. PPV himself, Rob Van Dam.

Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam
The Whole F'n Show
The Rob Van Dam Profile
by Krissy Bomb

No matter where he goes Rob Van Dam makes a huge impact. He is exciting to watch and the fans can't help but be amazed by his athleticism. He has done it all from capturing and holding ECW gold for 23 months, to movies, to setting weightlifting records. Here is his story.

Lance Storm

Lance Storm
Lance Storm
If I Could Be Serious for a Moment
by Krissy Bomb

Lance Storm is the latest wrestler to grace our ever-growing list of profiles. He is yet another Canadian trained by the Hart family who has made it into the big leagues and I have no doubt that in the coming months he will do his fellow Canadians proud. Lance was born in Sarnia Ontario, but was raised in North Bay where he graduated from high school as an Ontario Scholar.


LITA: The Female Phenom
by Krissy Bomb

Amy Dumas is one of the most recognizable women in the world of professional wrestling. She is not only beautiful, she is among the best female wrestler's in the world. The following profile offer's a brief glimpse into who she is and where she comes from. Enjoy!


"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
by Krissy Bomb

Well here it is boys and girls, THE profile! After "INVASION" it seems rather appropriate that this particular profile should be the next in the series. So it is with great pleasure that we give you "The Texas Rattle Snake" Stone Cold Steve Austin!


Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
by Krissy Bomb

This profile is unlike the previous ones that I have done in that it will ONLY include her professional life. I ask that you keep this in mind while reading, as Stephanie is a very different person from the character that she has embraced in her career.


Here Begins the "Era of Awesomeness"
by Krissy Bomb

Edge is one persona the WWF brought in under a cloud of mystery. As his character and image grew so did his popularity. As he went from gothic to comic, Edge has become one of the most popular wrestlers to grace the WWF.


Diamond Dallas Page
Leading with a BANG!
with Mark Mahler

DDP is a man that made his own name in the business and here is a little info for the WWF fans that don't know much about the Master of the Diamond Cutter!


The Undertaker
The Journey to the Dark Side
with Krissy Bomb

May I suggest you sit down and get comfy for this one people, it's going to be a long one! Not only because I have 16 years of material to work with, but also because most of those years have been "Phenomenal" ones. Without further ado, here are a look at the cold facts and jump into the heart of the profile!

Chris Benoit

Chris Benoit
Walking the Trail of a Rabid Wolverine
with Krissy Bomb

Based on the WWF's recent push for Chris Benoit I have been inspired to research and write this column. What I have found has given me an entirely new admiration for the man and his career.

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