<head>Charter For alt.discuss.gothic.lifestyle</head>
is a Webtv only news group where the participants are allowed to post with full HTML sigs and not be flamed as they would in the regular alt groups.
It is the intent of
to provide a place for the goths as well as those with a little darker sense of life to have a place to discuss the following:
Life in general,
Situations that effect the Gothic Life
General Dementia
Web sites that are pertanant to the Goth
Music and Artists
Social climates of the Goth people
Over all it is a place for the goths of Webtv to have a virtual playground that they might call their own.
It is here for the ideas of the gothic lifestyle to be maintained as well as allowed to flourish in the alt.discuss hierarchy.
History Page
Rules Of a.d.g.l.
Return To Where You Started.
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Times since 20 December 1998