Prices for 2000

1/2 Day Guided Tour with

Full Day Guided
Guided Tour with

Best Little
Eco Tour Package
on the Island

Kayak Rentals- (Note Only Two Or More Kayaks Are Rented,
No Solo Rentals,
Talk to Mike For Exceptions)

Bike rentals: call 1-877-929-2800 for prices

$49.00 Cdn. + tax
(slight discount for cash $55.00 tax included)

$89.00 Cdn + tax
(slight discount for cash $99.00 tax included)

$99.00 Cdn. +  tax (slight discount for cash $110.00 tax included)

--1/2 day $20.00 Cdn.+ tax ($23.00 tax included)
--Full Day $35.00
Cdn  ($39.00 tax included)

Cape Breton
Seacoast Adventures | Paddle  Tours | Prices for 2000 | Special Offer