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Welcome on the websites of AEGEE-Kiel

AEGEE-Kiel proudly presented our TSU
(= Travel Summer University) - organized in cooperation
with AEGEE-Lübeck and AEGEE-Lund.

Under the official patronage
of Prof. Dr. von Carnap Bornheim (Viking Museum Haithabu)
and Dr. Herman Heidrich (Open-Air Museum Molfsee, Kiel).

Thank you to all participants AND organizers !

Informations about our TSU:

+ Read the Discription in the SU-Booklet of AEGEE-Europe !
+ See what we have done with the participants !
+ Get in contact to theTSU-Organizers !
+ Write us if you have any questions concerning the TSU ! 

The TSU Organizers:

Name / Phone


Henning Huebner / 0049-431-68 27 19
Sascha Meyer / 0049-4321-52 00 41
Michael Groll / 0049-4326-10 61
Ludger Schleper / 0049-431-122 03 04
Christian P. Schlichte / 0049-431-18175

AEGEE Lübeck:

Tina Reinecke / 0049-451-58 24 693
Christian Gerhard / 0049-451-582 96 78
Kirstin Schwidrowski / 0049-451-582 47 20
Gunnar Erth / 0049-451-58 214 57


Lina Haskå / 0046-46-211 08 14
Emma Bokemo / 0046-46-39 09 58 
Nanna Sundkvist / 0046-46-33 50 96 
Jörgen Olofsson / 0046-46-39 17 12 

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In 1999 AEGEE Kiel & AEGEE Copenhagen proudly presented:
"From the Golden Age of the Vikings to the dark Middle Ages ?! 
We will turn history inside out !"

The 1999-Kiel-Copenhagen-Summer-Event,
from the 7th - 21 th of August 1999

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