scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Tuesday, 28 September 2004
A View from Ireland about Israel.
Mr. Liathain's column in the JPost hits the mark right on the head. He says..."The Arabs gave up their rights to the terms of the UN plan for the partition of Palestine the day they denounced the UN plan and attacked Israel. Thereafter, under international law, all bets were off. Israel won the wars of Independence, of 1956, of 1967, and of 1973. It had always been willing to make peace with its neighbors. It is not Israel's fault that it is still at war". So true..right after WW2 18 Arab nations were given their Independence from colonial Europe that had previously owned them lock stock and barrel. But when it was little Israel's turn, they all said No!
read more about it here
Posted by ah_52
at 9:17 PM
Saturday, 21 August 2004
An expos? of dishonest media coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict
The Glasgow University Media Group's new book, Bad News from Israel, exposes the dishonest role the main TV news coverage in Britain plays in distorting the Israel-Palestine conflict and misinforming the public. tells about
Posted by ah_52
at 12:45 AM
Wednesday, 18 August 2004
Iran insults the world
By bringing politics to the Olympics , Iran has done just what the Olympians are not supposed to do. The fiction that Arash Miresmaeili was overweight should be disregarded and he should be removed from all future international competitions. Iran should also be sanctioned and have its entire team suspended from the rest of this Olympics. And it should not be allowed into any future games unless it unequivocally agrees to compete against all countries' athletes.
national post
Posted by ah_52
at 10:01 PM
Do you need a cheap cruise missile?
Read this guy,s story... wanna cheap cruisemissile?
"Note however, that I will not knowingly work for anyone involved in the planning or committing of terrorist acts."
here,s the story
Posted by ah_52
at 9:20 PM
Monday, 16 August 2004
Jewish students attacked at Auschwitz
Tamar Schuri, a member of the group of Israeli and Jewish students who were attacked while visiting the death camps in Auschwitz earlier this week said that during and after the attack no one came to help the victims, not even the guides employed by the camp, Army Radio reported Wednesday.
read more about it here
Posted by ah_52
at 7:28 AM
Wednesday, 11 August 2004
Iran tests missile capable of reaching Israel
Iran has tested its new medium-range Shahab-3 ballistic missile, Iran's defense ministry said on Wednesday.

The Shahab-3, which Iran last successfully tested in 2002 before equipping its elite Revolutionary Guards with it in July 2003, is the Persian state's longest-range ballistic missile, with a range of 1,296 kilometers (about 810 miles).
jerusalem post
Posted by ah_52
at 9:11 AM

Five Swedish children abducted by Palestinian father, being held illegally in Gaza Strip
Palestinian man abducted his five Swedish children and fled to the Gaza Strip, where he has held them illegally for more than two months, his former wife and the Swedish Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.
A relative of the father said the children, ages 6 to 16, will not be allowed to return to Sweden, because the Gaza family does not want them to live a Western life style -- and destroyed their Swedish passports.
Posted by ah_52
at 9:05 AM
Monday, 2 August 2004
hamas takes over gaza planns

Documents seized in Jenin indicate terror group plans to "ensure PA does not do as it pleases after disengagement".
Amir Buhbut
Documents that have reached the IDF raise concern among top brass that Palestinian terror groups would take over the Gaza Strip following the implementation of the disengagement plan.
Hamas declares in internal documents its wish to take over large sections of the strip in addition to decision making centers in order to ensure that the Palestinian Authority "does not do as it pleases the day after disengagement".
maariv international
Posted by ah_52
at 9:00 PM
Saturday, 31 July 2004
The most wanted terrorists.
Posted by ah_52
at 3:14 AM
fundementalist sites
read all about it
Posted by ah_52
at 1:39 AM
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