USAF | Kyu/Dan Test Requirements

6th Kyu (Rokukyu) 20 practice days since beginning
Seiza (a) Bowing/Rei (b) Rise from seiza
Hanmi (a) Migi hanmi (b) Hidari hanmi
Ukemi (a) Ushiro ukemi (1) back fall (2) back roll*
     (b) Mae ukemi*
Kokyu undo (a) Funakogi undo (b) Ikkyo undo Tai sabaki
     (a) Tenkan (b) Irimi (c) Irimi tenkan (d)Tenshin
Hanmi (w/partner) (a) Ai hanmi (b) Gyaku hanmi
     Atemi (w/partner) (a) Tsuki (b) Yokomenuchi (c) Shomenuchi
Tai no henko (w/partner) as both uke and nage
Kokyudosa – Zagi Kokyuho (sitting) (w/partner)

5th Kyu (Gokyu) 40 practice days after 6th Kyu
Shomenuchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
Shomenuchi Iriminage
Katatetori Shihonage (omote & ura)
Ryotetori Tenchinage (omote & ura)
Tsuki Kotegaeshi (tenkan)
Ushiro Tekubitori Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Morotetori Kokyunage (omote & ura)

4th Kyu (Yonkyu) 80 practice days after 5th Kyu
Shomenuchi Nikyo (omote & ura)
Yokomenuchi Shihonage (omote & ura)
Tsuki Iriminage (irimi, tenkan & tenshin variations)
Ushiro Tekubitori Sankyo (omote & ura)
Ushiro Ryokatatori Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Suwari waza:
     Shomenuchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
     Katatori Nikyo (omote & ura)
     Katatori Sankyo (omote & ura)

3rd Kyu (Sankyu) 100 practice days after 4th Kyu
Yokomenuchi Iriminage (3 variations)
Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Tsuki Kaitennage (omote & ura)
Ushiro Ryokatatori Sankyo (omote & ura)
Morotetori Iriminage (2 variations)
Shomenuchi Sankyo (omote & ura)
Suwari waza:
     Shomenuchi Iriminage
     Shomenuchi Nikyo (omote & ura)
Hanmi handachi:
     Katatetori Shihonage (omote & ura)
     Katatetori Kaitennage (uchi & soto mawari**)

Note:  Hour requirements are counted from the last test.

*Instructor’s option depending on age and ability.

**Uchi & Soto mawari–Both inside (Uchi) and outside (Soto) movements.

2nd Kyu (Nikyu) 200 practice days after 3rd Kyu Seminar attendance is encouraged
Shomenuchi Shihonage (omote & ura)
Shomenuchi Kaitennage (omote & ura)
Yokomenuchi Gokyo (omote & ura)
Ushiro Tekubitori Shihonage (omote & ura)
Ushiro Kubishime Koshinage (2 variations)
Ushiro Tekubitori Jujinage (omote & ura)
Morotetori Nikyo (omote & ura)
Hanmi handachi:
     Shomenuchi Iriminage
     Katatetori Nikyo (omote & ura)
     Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Jiyu waza and Randori (2 attackers)

1st Kyu (Ikkyu) 300 practice days after 2nd Kyu Must attend two seminars per year
Katatori Menuchi – 5 Techniques
Yokomenuchi – 5 Techniques
Morotetori – 5 Techniques
Shomenuchi – 5 Techniques
Ryotetori – 5 Techniques
Koshinage – 5 Techniques
Hanmi handachi:
     Ushiro waza – 5 Techniques
Tanto tori
Jiyu waza and Randori (3 attackers)

Shodan 300 practice days after 1st Kyu Must attend two seminars per year
All 1st Kyu Requirements
Tachi tori and Bokuto waza
Jo tori and Jo waza
Henka waza***
Jiyu waza and Randori (4 attackers)

Nidan 600 practice days after Shodan/Not<2 years Must attend two seminars per year
All Shodan Requirements
Tachi tori (2 attackers)
Kaeshi waza****
Jiyu waza and Randori (5 attackers)

Sandan 700 practice days after Nidan/Not<3 years Must attend two seminars per year
Subject of examination to be determined by examiner at the time of examination

***Henka waza–Switching from one technique to another. Examiner will call the first technique.

****Kaeshi waza–Counter techniques. Uke applies the technique to Nage. Original technique will be called by examiner. (e.g., to apply Sankyo against Nikyo).

Bokuto waza: Techniques performed with bokken

Hanmi handachi: Uke standing and Nage sitting

Jiyu waza: Interval attacks w/nage varying techniques

Jo tori: Disarm attacker of jo

Jo waza: Techniques performed with jo

Katatetori: One hand grab to wrist

Katatori: One hand grab to shoulder

Katatori Menuchi: Grab to shoulder with strike to head

Morotetori: Two hands grab to one wrist

Randori: Freestyle–rapid “allout” simultaneous attacks

Ryotetori: Both wrists held from the front

Seiza: Sitting–meditative posture

Shomenuchi: Strike to forehead

Suwari waza: Techniques performed while sitting

Tai sabaki: Body movement

Tachi tori: Disarm attacker of bokken

Tanto tori: Disarm attacker of tanto

Tsuki: Thrust or punch with closed fist

Undo: Exercise

Ushiro Kubishime: Choke from behind with wrist grab

Ushiro Ryokatatori: Both shoulders held from behind

Ushiro Tekubitori: Both wrists held from behind

Waza: Technique

Yokomenuchi: Strike to side of head

Zagi: Sitting–active posture

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