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Meditation and Method.
Meditation is a big part in opening doors into your subconscious and superconscious minds.It is aslo a useful tool in dealing with stress and building your consentration.
To understand how meditation works, you must examine a human on a conscious level and must also realize that we are also spiritual as well as physical beings.Meditation is centered around the Chakra's which are a part of not only the physical but mental bodies.
On a conscious level,consider the total consciousness as a sort of sandwich.On one side you have the conscious mind this is the side that deals with your everyday activities,this is your waking state of consciousness.On the other side is your superconscious which is also called your higher conscious, which is conserned with your spiritual well-being and retains your universal memory.In the center is that which is often called the subconcious mind.It is passive and is largley subordinate to the concious mind,as it has been made so.
This is the place where memory and reflex come from,and can also be a passage way to the superconsious mind from the consious mind.
Meditation allows you to learn to control the restless, materially orientated consious mind and reprogram the subordinate subconsiousness, in order that you may function from your spiritually orientated higher consiousness.It allows you to open up the channel to your higherself.Many people fail in their meditation as they are using the wrong method or they simply don't have a method.

 Il write this at a later date.
the reason i cant be bothered

Some people say that your "third eye " is the most important place in which to concentrate during meditation.If you were wondering where your "third eye"is,it is a spot about one inch above the brow line and one inch inside the surface of the forehead.