Messages from Heaven


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
July 1, 1995 at 11:00 P.M.

17th Public Apparition

Continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Start and continue to prepare yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. I want all of you to come here every 1st Friday and 1st Saturday for our messages. My dear children, please repent now, convert and repent before everything is too late! Start counting down. The clock of Justice is already set. Prepare yourselves for the coming of the wrath of God. People must not offend God anymore because He is already offended. I am the Lady of the Rosary. People must go back to God. Help Me bring Peace and Unity to the whole world.

Prepare, prepare, prepare! If mankind will never repent there will be:

1. Earthquakes
2. Famines
3. Floods
4. Fires from Heaven will fall
5. Stars will fall one by one
6. Other planets will explode
7. The Sun will spin with a great explosion

Repent dear children, the people today are more wicked than at Noah's time, at Noah's time, God punished them by Water but today, God will punish mankind by Fire! Repent now dear children! Prepare yourselves for the coming of the 3 days of total darkness. You already know the signs, the things to prepare and the things to do. Always remember that I love you all, even you are very far away from My Heart. I am your Mother!

Pray the Rosary, wear the Brown Scapular and the Medal of Good Salvation. The time has come for mankind to go back to God! Love God above all things. I love you all! Convert. The only word I want to say is: Conversion. Convert, repent and be sorry for all your sins!

My dear children, pray for My PRIESTS! Pray a great deal! Let us console Our God. Lastly, I want to say: I love you all! I will bless the Philippines continuously if they will be faithful to My Immaculate Heart! God bless you all

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
July 7, 1995 at 5:00 P.M.

15th Public Apparition

Behold My Sacred Heart! It is exposed for all of you to see! Behold this Heart, burning with love for all mankind. Behold this Heart, bruised because of the wickedness of mankind. Behold this Heart, full of love for all you! Dear children, I love you! My love for all of you is so great, but why some of My children refuses to accept this great love? What have I done? Please accept the love I am offering to all of you. I love you. I gave My life for all in order that all of you might be saved. Please accept it. Convert now, prepare yourselves for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. The time will come that the wrath of My Father cannot be hold anymore! I am asking all of you to prepare. You already know the sign, the things to prepare and the things to do. Please prepare, prepare, convert, convert, convert! Don't waste your time anymore!

The clock of Justice is already set! The cup of God's anger is now overflowing! Return to God! God's kingdom is at hand! Prepare! You have only a few time to prepare. The choice is yours! God My Father has given you a free will to choose your own choice. Everybody has a free will.

Don't let Satan enter in your hearts and minds. Instead learn to love and forgive. Throw away your anger, envy and hatred. FORGIVE! Pray! Pray the Rosary everyday to obtain Peace, Unity of the whole world. Pray also the Chaplet of Mercy. Pray for the Universal Catholic Church, pray for Pope John Paul II. He is the Pope very close to Us. Pray for all Cardinals, Bishops, Mons., Priests and Nuns. Pray for religious vocations. That they may be strong to protect the faith of others. Pray for the stop of all evil things like Abortion and other evil things.

Spread our messages so that others may know about it. Including the unbelievers that they may be awakened. Tell the whole world that I am the King of Mercy! Pray! Till Our next meeting!

I will have no apparition for this month.

God bless you all!

No one can come to the Father except through Me!

I love you!

Jesus Christ


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 5, 1995 at 8:00 P.M.

18th Public Apparition

My dear, dear, dear children! Peace!

I want all of you to come here every 1st Friday and 1st Saturday for our messages. I want all of you to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Children, repent now because the wrath of God is at hand! The Chastisement is very, very, very near. Prepare, prepare, prepare! I love you My children!

My children, you already know the Sign, the things to prepare and the things to do. We want all of you to listen and prepare. We have given you all the things you must know. What else do you need? What else? I will continue to bless this country the Philippines. This country is very, very, very dear to Me. It has a great place in My Heart. I promise to protect this country from calamities, earthquakes, famines, floods and wars if the Filipino people will promise to pray the Holy Rosary everyday. This country will not suffer much from the effect of the Chastisement. Please pray the Rosary! I beg you all!

All of you is very dear to Me. I love you so much! Return to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please don't offend God anymore because He is already offended. Penance, penance, penance! Reparation, reparation, reparation! Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice! Do penance for the poor sinners. I invite you to be a petitioner for the poor sinners. Make a petition that can convert a sinner or more! Trust in My Immaculate Heart, this Heart will be your Ark of Salvation for the Chastisement.

My children, pray for the Holy Father, pray for Cardinals, Bishops, Mons., Priests, Nuns and for the whole Clergy. Pray for My children who are part of other religious sect. Pray for all of them. Wear the Brown Scapular. Wearing the Brown Scapular is a sign of consecration to My Immaculate Heart! My children, I love you very much! Bow your heads and receive My blessings! I bless you all in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Give Me all your Rosaries and I will bless it. I love you My children!

My dear children, please continue your devotion to My Immaculate Heart. Ask Jesus for His Mercy. Till Our next meeting! Also ask the guidance of the Holy Saints and Angels specially Joseph My Most Chaste Spouse! I love you My children! Peace! Let Peace reign in your hearts!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
September 1, 1995 at 8:00 P.M.

16th Public Apparition

My dear little children!

Come, I invite all of you to rest your head on My Sacred Heart, come I invite you. Oh My beloved sons and daughters I love you all and all of you are very special to Me. Come back to My Sacred Heart! Come back I plead! The time has come for mankind to repent, to convert and to renew their lives. The time will come when the wrath of My Father cannot be hold anymore! Ask the help of My Mother Mary so that all of you may have courage and enlightenment. Love My Mother as you honored Me! You can hurt and offend Me but please not My Mother, My Mother is your Mother also. Pray, pray, pray. Pray for Peace! May peace reign in your hearts and minds. Learn to forgive others, who are you who will not forgive others? Even if they hurt you so much then forgive, forgive, forgive! Take away all Prides and Hatreds.

Prepare for the coming of the great Chastisement. The clock is already set. The cup of My Father's anger is now overflowing. All the angels in Heaven are all ready for battle. My Mercy is endless but man is the one making troubles. If mankind will repent My Father's anger will be lessened, but if not run for your lives.

I love you children. My Sacred Heart is patiently waiting for your return. Pray the Holy Rosary everyday. Attend the Holy Mass every Sunday with your family. confess at least once a month, visit Me in the Blessed Sacrament and pray for My beloved Priests. That they may be strong to protect the faith of others. My little children, please return to Me before everything is too late!

On September 8, I invite all of you to come here for the Apparition of My beloved Mother. It is also Her birthday. I wish to see you in great numbers.

Till Our next meeting!

Jesus Christ

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 8, 1995 at 5:00 P.M.

19th Public Apparition

My dear, dear, dear children, Peace!

Today you are celebrating My birthday! Thank you for your patience in coming here. I love you all My dear children. I love you all with all My Heart. Please dear children, return to God now before everything is too late! My dear children, all of you are very special to Me. That's why I am doing all My best to bring you back in the Arms of the Heavenly Father, but so many of My children, who do not listen to Me, they hurt Me. Thus, mankind continues to do evil things. Why dear children? I love you all. I want all of you to love Me too. Stop all your wars and angers, peace be still! Don't offend God anymore because He is already offended. Enough! I cannot hold the Hands of My Son anymore. The time will come when the wrath of the Father cannot be hold anymore!

I am always with you! My beloved children, thank you! Thank you! I invite all of you to Peace! Always remember that Peace must reign between God and also among Men. I invite all of you to pray the Holy Rosary everyday. I invite you to read the Holy Bible in your homes. Let it be a visible sign to encourage you and your family to read and pray! Pray! The Chastisement is very, very, very near! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray, before the wrath of God has not yet come!

Pray for all priests specially for the Pope. Pope John Paul II is the Pope very close to Me. I love you all! Bow your heads and receive My special blessings. I bless all of you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. My dear children, do you love Me? Then pray the Holy Rosary everyday. Wear the Brown Scapular and obey the Church. I love you all My dear children, I love you all.

Virgo Maria

(Message after the procession)

My dear children! Greetings of Peace! You have just finished the celebration of My birthday. I am very happy to see all of you here in My apparition site. Thank you for listening to Me and following My instructions. Always remember that I am your Mother and all of you are My children... Forever! Pray the Holy Rosary everyday, wear the Brown Scapular and the Medal of Good Salvation. Don't forget to attend the Holy Mass every Sunday with your family, Confess at least once a month and obey the rules of the Church. Lastly, pray for My beloved priests, specially for Pope John Paul II, pray for them. Also pray for the stop of Abortion. Pray for Peace and Unity. On the 1st Friday of October My Son Jesus will appear at 5:00 P.M. I will visit all of you again on the 1st Saturday of October at 8:00 P.M. Continue to pray! Have courage! I love you all!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
October 6, 1995 at 5:00 P.M.

17th Public Apparition

My dearly beloved sons and daughter,

Today all of you are gathered here in this place to know My messages. My infinite and countless Mercy is always upon you, but sometimes you are the one disobeying the heavenly Father's Will. When will you listen to the importance of Our messages? When will you convert and repent? We are always waiting for all of you to come back. Listen to the messages on My Mother Mary. Please convert now, consecrate yourselves to My Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Prepare yourselves for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. Pray and prepare! Don't waste your time anymore, we have given you enough time, we have give you all the things you must know. What else do you need? What else? I am always forgiving and understanding all of you. All your faults I will forgive you but one thing will I never forgive you that is when you hurt and turn away from My Mother. You can hurt Me all the time but please not My beloved Mother!

My dear children, pray! Pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world and when you pray the Rosary, pray also the Chaplet of Mercy. It will appease and lessen My anger and wrath. Convert now before everything is too and already late! Pray for the Pope, for Cardinals, Bishops, Mons., Priests, Nuns and for the whole clergy.

Pray and Peace! Remember that the Holy Mass is the highest form of Prayer, second is the Rosary. I am very happy that all of you are here. I am now absolving you from your sins. Go in Peace and sin no more! Tomorrow is the apparition of My Mother. Please come and know Her messages for all of you and for the world! Go now in Peace!

Jesus Christ

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Messages received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
October 7, 1995 at 8:00 P.M.

20th Public Apparition

My dear children Peace!

Continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world, prepare yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. O My dear children, I am doing all My best to bring all of you back in the arms of My Son! I love you My dear children, please don't offend God anymore, because He is already offended. My apparition here does not concern the Philippines only but all the Nations. You can help My by praying the Rosary everyday, going to Mass every Sunday but of possible everyday. By your total repentance. I love you all! Pray! Pray! Pray! Heed My messages before everything is too late! The cup of God's anger is now overflowing! The clock of Justice is already set! I am always interceding and praying for you but please help yourselves also. I have a great and wonderful plan for the Philippines, but if the Filipino families don't listen to My messages there's nothing I can do for them.

Yes, very much! The Philippines has a great place in My Heart! Wait for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart! Wearing the Brown Scapular is the Sign of your consecration to My Immaculate Heart! Dear children I love you very, very, very much!

My dear children pray! Prepare yourselves for the coming of the very Great chastisement. You already know the things you must know. Pray for the priests. Pray for the Pope, for Cardinals, Bishops, Mons., Priests, Nuns and for the whole Clergy. Receive Holy Communion by mouth not by hands. Communion in the Hand is the greatest sacrilege of all sacrileges. Let My messages here spread throughout the whole world! A lightened candle is a symbol of the light which My Son gives to the world. This is My promise: Whosoever kisses the candle with faith shall be healed and blessed.

Lastly, pray My dear sons and daughters!

Till Our next meeting! Pray and Peace! God bless you all!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle e. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
November 3, 1995 at 8:00 P.M.

18th Public Apparition

Peace be to all of you!

Please I ask all of you again to return to My Father before everything is too late! Look! What's happening to all of you? You are being punished! Look everywhere and you will see and feel the anger of My Father! This storm is just an introduction of the beginning of My Father's wrath! Why do you trust yourselves so much? Do you think you can handle all these? You cannot do anything without Me! Look at My beloved Mother, She's been asking always to repent but you don't listen and you ignore it. She's been appearing all over the world to plead, to ask for your repentance and your conversion.

Pray the Rosary everyday for Peace and Unity of the whole world. After you have prayed the Rosary, pray the Chaplet of Mercy, kneeling with outstretched arms. Consecrate yourselves to My Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Please, please, please sin no more! Pray for the Pope, for Cardinals, Bishops, Nuns. Priests, Nuns against Pope, Cardinals against Priests, Priests against Nuns, Nuns against the Priests, Priests against the Mass, Confession, Communion, Rosary and other Sacraments. pray for them. Pray for the stop of Abortion, avoid using Pills and other materials to control birth. Attend the Holy Mass every Sunday with your family.

How many days are there in one week? God only asks to give Him time on that special day and that is Sunday. He only asks one hour and you cannot give it to Him? Where is your obedience to the Commandments? Again, I ask all of you to pray, repent, convert before everything is too late! This storm is just the beginning, remember the BEGINNING! Peace be to all of you!

Jesus Christ

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Messages received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
November 4, 1995 at 10:00 P.M.

21st Public Apparition

My dear children, Peace!

I love you My dear children! Just continue to trust and pray, I your Holy Mother will protect you from all calamities, wars and famines, but I tell you the time will come when the wrath of God cannot be hold anymore! Repent now! What's happening to you? Because of your disobedience and sins you are now being punished! Yes, I understand that, I know that all of you are only humans, not perfect and weak, but by continuous prayer everything will be perfect.

I am the Star of the Morning. Children of Mine, come back to God before everything is too late! God is very merciful but He is also Just. Ask His forgiveness with a sincere and contrite hearts and He will accept you back with open arms. I am praying always for you, but you must help yourselves also. I cannot do it alone, you cannot do it alone either, We must work together! Unity dear children, Unity! I need your cooperation!

Pray, pray, pray! Pray the Rosary everyday for Peace and Unity of the whole world! Wear the Brown Scapular! Do acts of reparation that is very pleasing to God! Let the whole world know the URGENCY of My message! Again I ask you to repent, convert, not tomorrow, not next month, not next year but NOW! Peace! Pray!

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
December 1, 1995 at 10:00 P.M.

19th Public Apparition

My dear children, Peace!

I am very happy to see all of you here gathered in My Name. I invite all of you once again to repentance, repent now! The time is so near, convert before everything is too late! Don't waste your time anymore, don't use your time in doing evil. The wrath of My Father is near. Just like you and Me in the Blessed Sacrament. When will you convert? When will you heed Our messages? Please, please, please convert now. Listen to My Mother Mary. If you have ears then listen to Her voice.

The Chastisement is very, very, very near! Continue to prepare yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the Chastisement. You already know the things to prepare and the things to do. Pray, pray the Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Wear the Brown Scapular. Love one another as I have loved you! Keep the Commandments, don't forget to attend Mass every Sunday and your Confession. Pray for My priests, that they may have the courage to proclaim the Gospel and that they may protect the faith of others.

Pray for Peace! We really need your cooperation. Tomorrow is the apparition of My Mother. Come and hear Her voice. Bow your heads and receive My absolution. I am now absolving all of your sins! (Writer's note: This is directed to those present in the apparition site)

Jesus Christ

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
December 2, 1995 at 9:00 P.M.

22nd Public Apparition

My dear children Peace!

Continue to pray the Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Dear angel, please hold My Hand because I am in great sorrow. Children, I ask all of you once again to convert and repent! The appointed time is near! Penance, penance, penance! Conversion, conversion, conversion! Penance.

Children when will you listen to Me? How many times I have asked you to sin no more, but you are ignoring Me. What wrong I have done to you? My Heart is so sorrowful... Please heed My messages. Continue praying, ask God's forgiveness. Don't offend God anymore because He is already offended! Now is the time... The abyss is opening, here comes Satan, he will try to reach Heaven but he will be hurled down by the breath of Michael the Archangel. Children the enemy is already here. He is so strong, help Me with your prayers and sacrifices!

Prepare yourselves for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. We have given you all the things you must know, what else do you need? What else? I love you very much! Pray! I encourage you to attend the Holy Mass every Sunday with your family, read the Bible in your homes and pray the Rosary. Let it be a visible sign for you and for your family so that you may be encouraged to read, pray and live in the presence of God! I have been appearing all over the world with the same message: Prayer, Conversion and Repentance.

The year 1995 is coming to an end, and 1996 will be the new year. I wish, on that coming year, I wish that your eyes may be opened. I wish that your conversion will be that year. I wish all of you will learn to love, love God above all things.

Lastly, continue to pray for the priests, nuns and for those person who wishes to serve God in becoming a priest or a religious.

Please, lift up your roses, I will bless them.

I bless these roses in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! I love you all! Peace!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us

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