Messages from Heaven


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
January 5, 1996 at 9:00 P.M.

20th Public Apparition

My dearly beloved sons and daughters!

I want to greet all of you a very happy New Year! Dear children, on this New Year what do you want Me to give you? I can give everything what you want but please help yourselves also! I love you very, very, very much! My Mother Mary loves you too! Please consecrate yourselves to My Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother for world peace! I urge you to pray the Holy Rosary everyday and wear the Brown Scapular.

Prepare, the Chastisement is very, very, very near! We have given all of you the things to do and a time to prepare. Please don't waste your time anymore! Convert now before everything is too late! Don't offend My Father anymore becausee is already offended! Please listen and heed the messages of My Mother, if you have ears then listen to Her!

Prepare, convert and repent! Have faith, pray! Prayer is useless if you don't have faith! Have courage, call on Me and call also My Mother for help. If you cannot pronounce the name of Mary here on earth, you cannot and will not pronounce Her name when your judgement has come!

I urge all of you to pray, pray, pray! I am here tonight to announce to you that God My Father and also your Father is merciful. I am here not to call the virtuous ones, I am here to call the sinners to repentance! Sin no more! I invite all of you tomorrow for the apparition of My Mother, please come and hear Her voice! God bless you all! I love you all! Go now in Peace!

Jesus Christ

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
January 6, 1996 at 10:00 P.M.

23rd Public Apparition

My dear children,

Continue to pray the Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world! I want all of you to pray, pray, pray! Penance, penance, penance! Conversion, conversion, conversion! Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of My Son for world peace! I want all of you to pray the Holy Rosary, wear the Brown Scapular, attend the Holy Mass every Sunday with your family or if possible attend the Holy Mass everyday. Go to Confession once a month and lastly and the most important of all is your total CONVERSION!

Dear children, don't offend God anymore because He is already offended! Stop offending God! Children, continue to prepare yourselves for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. It is very, very, very near! You already know the things to prepare and the things to do. My angel, come and pray with Me.

I urge all of you to pray everyday! Children, do you love Me? If you love Me then you must love the beads of the Rosary. Children, I love you very, very, very, much! I am your Mother! If you only knew how much your Mother love you, you'd cry for joy! Pray for Peace! Peace must reign everywhere, Peace must reign between God and men and also among men! Lastly, My call to all of you to repent and be sorry for your sins! Till Our next meeting! No, M y presence will always be here and My presence is also is a person with a sincere and kind heart.

My children, this is the schedule for the next Public Apparition.

Goodbye dear children! I love you all! Go now in Peace!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
February 2, 1996 at 10:00 P.M.

21st Public Apparition

My little sons and daughters, Peace!

I am here again to give My next message concerning the Philippines but also the whole world. I want you to know that the time of Mercy has come to an end and everyday you will see many signs concerning the Chastisement. Dear children, please repent now! Look at My Mother Mary, She's weeping, She's in great sorrow. My Mother always tries Her best to bring you back to Me and to My Heavenly Father, but there are so many questions. Are you listening to Her? Are you heeding all Her messages? Do you help Her in spreading the Heavenly Messages? Pray harder My sons and daughters!

Children, do you love Me? If you really love Me love also My Blessed Mother and help Her in spreading the messages. Repent and convert now before everything is too late! We are calling all of you, even some of you are very far away from Our Hearts. Please listen to us My sons and daughters. Listen to Our messages because it is for your own salvation. We love you very much!

Prepare yourselves for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. I am very merciful but I am also Just. If you will listen to all our messages, we will bless all of you. Don't forget to pray, pray the Rosary everyday, attend the Mass every Sunday with your family, Confess once a month and do the other keys to Heaven. Lastly, please convert now! Conversion, penance, prayer! Try to comfort My weeping Mother by your own little but holy ways. Bow your heads as I bless all of you. I bless all of you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Go now in peace and come again tomorrow for the apparition of My beloved Mother. I love you all!

Jesus Christ

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
February 3, 1996 at 11:00 P.M.

24th Public Apparition

My dear children,

May the Peace of God be with you all. My next message is very, very, very important and you My beloved children must heed this message. Look at Me dear children, do you notice that I am very, very, very sad? Some of you are asking why I am weeping and shedding tears of blood. You can answer your own questions, I am weeping because of all of you... You're still sinning... You're still not converted and you are still offending God. Enough... Please! I am in great sorrow and no one can stop Me from weeping unless you are converted. I am asking all of you again to repent now and be sorry for all your sins before everything is too late!

My children, from now on every time I appear you will no longer see Me smile, you will always see Me crying and weeping... Tell Me dear children, what must I do in order that all of you will be converted? Are My sacrifices not enough? Why do you turn away from Me? What I must do... Tell Me what?

Repent now! Continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world... Don't forget to attend the Mass every Sunday with your family, Confess once a month and do the other keys to Heaven. I urge all of you to convert now because the appointed time is very near... Please... Please... Please...

My dear, dear, dear children, I your Mother loves you and I always urge you to pray and I am calling all of you even you are far away from My Heart, I beg you surrender yourselves completely to God and heed the messages I am giving you. Remember My children, that I love you very much even you always turn away from Me. I can't say any word anymore. The only word I want to say is: CONVERSION! Comfort Me if you can, but no one can stop Me from weeping. My angel this is the schedule for the next apparition:

Lastly, pray, pray, pray!

I love you all!

My weeping is for all of you!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
March 1, 1996 at 10:00 P.M.

22nd Public Apparition

My dearly beloved sons and daughters, Peace!

Listen My sons and daughters, My next message is very, very, very important. My children, the time of Mercy has come to an end and NOW you are in the time of God's Justice! Please heed all our messages because it is for your own good, children of Mine why do you turn away from Me? Why? Why are you not listening to Me and to My Mother? Why are you forgetting Me? I tell you My children that without Me you can do nothing. I ask all of you again to repent now and convert now before everything is too late! Pray, pray, pray! Penance, penance, penance!

My children, what do you want Me to give you? Little children, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, and knock on the door of My Merciful Heart and I will open it for you. The chastisement is very, very, very near! You already know the things to prepare and the things to do. My children, I love you very, very, very much through sometimes you are forgetting to thank Me for all the graces that I am giving you, but it does not matter to Me, the important thing for Me is to LOVE you and to UNDERSTAND you! Pray for My other children, who do not want to listen to Me, pray for those who do not love My Mother Mary, pray for those who are rejecting Her, pray for those who do not go to Confession, pray for those who do not pray the Rosary, pray for those who do not pray the Rosary, pray for those who do not wear the Brown Scapular and pray for those who do not remain faithful to the Catholic Faith. Pray for My children who are outside the Catholic Church, non-Christians, Pagans, Buddhists, Protestants and other religious sects. Pray for them because they are not walking on the right path.

Verily I say unto you that a great privilege is awaiting for those persons who have remained Catholic until their death. Yes. They must pass Purgatory first. Yes. Pray, pray, pray!

I love you all! Love My Blessed Mother!

Go now in Peace!

Jesus Christ


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
March 2, 1996 at 11:00 P.M.

25th Public Apparition

My dear little children, Peace!

My next message is very important so please try and listen to it. Little children, I want you to know again that the time of Mercy has come to an end, the time for God's Justice has began, pray, pray, pray. No. It does not mean that God will never forgive anymore God's Mercy is still open for those persons who have sincere and contrite hearts. I ask all of you again to please pray, pray, pray! Come back to My Son now before everything is too late! I want you to know that I love you very, very, very much, even you are black, brown, yellow or white. I love you very much even you are Christians, non-Christians, pagans, or any religious sects I love you all! I have come here to give you God's message from Heaven, I am also here to love you and to guide you.

Dear children, do you love Me? If you really love Me, you must also love the beads of the Rosary! Pray the Rosary everyday, even while traveling pray the Rosary! It can save you from dangers of body and soul. If you are praying the Rosary, you must not forget to attend the Mass every Sunday. Remember that the highest form of prayer is the Holy Mass. Don't forget your monthly CONFESSION. Pray, the Chastisement is very, very, very near, you already know the things to prepare and the things to do. Come to My Son, please! Stop sinning. Enough! I can't stand it anymore, what a great sorrow for a Mother like Me! I am very, very, very sad... I am in great sorrow! I love you very much even though you repay My love with your ingratitude.

Lastly, please convert now! Repent and be sorry for all your sins. Pray, pray, pray! Penance, penance, penance! My dear angel, this is the schedule of the next apparition for the month of April.

Till our next meeting! I love you all! Go now in God's Peace!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
April 5, 1996 at 11:00 P.M.

23rd Public Apparition

My beloved sons and daughters:

Today you are commemorating My death and My Crucifixion, by My death on the Cross I have redeemed all of you. Little children I want all of you to learn from Me because I am meek and humble of Heart. Always ready to obey the Father's Will. Learn to accept persecutions and trials, persecutions and trials will make you stronger and it will also deepen your faith, your hope and your love to God. I love you dear children. Because of My love for all of you I am here. To you My message of love, peace and hope.

For Me, it is very painful to be rejected specially by My own people but as I have said My Kingdom is not here and I promise all of you that I will bring you all to My Kingdom. My angel, I will show you this vision of all what happened during the "Passion".

Now that you already know the truths during My Passion, how the soldiers scourged Me and crowned Me with thorns and how they Crucified Me. Tomorrow, My Mother will show you the vision of "Resurrection". Always be prepared for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. You already know the things to prepare and the things to do.

Bring to Me everyday all kinds of souls. Souls of sinners, priests, nuns and others. I can't say anything anymore but I love you all! Love also My Blessed Mother and ask Her to lead you closer to Me! I invite you tomorrow for the apparition of My Mother, come and hear Her messages!

I love you all!

I will do everything for you and I will never leave you!

Jesus Christ

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
April 6, 1996 at 11:00 P.M.

26th Public Apparition

My dear, dear, dear children, Peace!

Please continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Continue preparing yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. It is very, very, very near. It is spreading fast as fire! Prepare My Children , prepare! You already know the things to prepare and the things to do. I ask all of you to please convert, repent and listen to My messages before everything is too late!

Penance, penance, penance! Pray for the conversion of poor sinners. Please kiss the ground for sinners... Pray, pray, pray! Dear children, I want all of you to know that I love you very, very, very much, even though you repay Me with your ingratitude. Some of My children does not want to listen to Me, they do not want to hear My voice... Why? My children why? I am the Mother of the Sacred Heart, no one can come to Jesus except through Me and no one can come to the Heavenly Father except through Jesus, My dearly beloved Son! I am the Second Eve, predestined by God to crush the evil head of the Serpent. God is not allowing you to suffer, it's the people who makes themselves suffer. Remember everybody has a free will, you can do what you like because all the choices is yours, but God does not want you to suffer, only if you listen to Him.

My angel, today I will show you the vision of "Resurrection". After the Resurrection of Jesus, the gates of Heaven opened and the gates of Hell are closed! My children, rejoice! Because your Saviour is truly risen, wipe now your tears and open your eyes to a new glorious life! I ask all of you not to offend God anymore. I love you all! All of you are My children!

Come My angel, let us pray. Bow your heads as I bless all of you. You're welcome dear children. This is the schedule for next month's apparition:

I can't say anything anymore but I love you! Pray, pray, pray! Happy Easter to all of you!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Messages received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
May 3, 1996 at 11:00 P.M.

24th Public Apparition

My dear sons and daughters, Peace!

Peace be to all of you, I'm very, very, very happy to see all of you gathered here in prayer and in love! My children, pray, pray, pray. Pray harder and listen to the voice of My Blessed Mother, heed all Her messages before everything is too late. Prepare for the coming of the very Great Chastisement, it is very, very, very near. The clock of Justice is now running very fast! Repent My sons and daughters! Sin no more! Call on Me and on My Mother when you need help and consolation.

Pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world, pray also the Chaplet of Mercy. Don't offend My Heavenly Father because He is already offended. Make reparation for the blasphemies committed by men against My Mother Mary, all those who hurt and reject Mary they are hurting and rejecting Me also but those who honor and love My Mother they make Me very happy. Love My Mother because She is your Mother too.

Look at this Heart, surrounded with thorns for the salvation of men! This Heart loves you so very much, this Heart is once pierced by a lance because of its love for mankind. This heart asks only one little thing and that is: YOUR CONVERSION! Is Conversion a very hard thing to do? This heart loves you very, very, very much!

My angel, come and let us pray. Don't forget to pray, prayer is like talking to God. The highest form of prayer is the Holy Mass, please wear proper dress when attending the Mass. To the women you should cover your head with a veil or "Belo" when attending Mass. Don't wear immodest dress or else you Crucify Me again!

Lastly, pray for My Vicar John Paul II, for all Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Nuns and for more religious vocations. I invite all of you tomorrow to come for the apparition of My Mother, come and hear Her voice!

Peace to all of you!

Jesus Christ

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
May 4, 1996 at 11:00 P.M.

27th Public Apparition

My dear, dear, dear children, Peace!

Continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Continue to prepare yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. It is very, very, very near. Pray, prepare, prepare, prepare. It is spreading fast as a fire, prepare now My children, prepare now! Don't waste your time in senseless and sinful ways instead pray, pray, and pray. Ask the Heavenly Father for His Mercy and pray for hardened sinners who do not want to go back to God. Pray the Rosary, I am the Lady of the Rosary, I ask all of you specially the sinners and the faithful to amend their lives and go back to God.

I love you all My children, but some of My children do not want to hear Me. They do not want to listen to Me, but now I lament for all My children who are far away from the light and grace of God. I love you My children, I love you all! I beg all of you to stop offending God, enough! Please, stop now! All of you are My children and I don't want all of you to be thrown in the ocean of never ending fire! If you only listen to God and obey all His rules and commands, you will experience a true joy! Pray, pray, pray! Wear your sacramentals, the Brown Scapular, the Medal of Good Salvation, and the Crucifix. These sacramentals will be your weapon against the enemy in these last few days! Repent, repent, repent! Pray of the Holy Father, the Pope your vicar is not safe.

Learn to use Holy Water, sprinkle it around your house 3x a day, morning, afternoon and evening. don't forget to attend the Holy Mass every Sunday with your family but if possible attend Mass everyday. When you are receiving the Holy Communion, use your tongue and NOT YOUR HANDS! Communion in the hands is the greatest sacrilege of all sacrileges! Pray for the Pope, all Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Nuns and for the whole clergy. Pray for more religious vocations, Jesus needs more priests for the coming Era of Peace. Pray for My visionaries all over the world because their task is a very, very, very hard thing to do, specially when temptation is always around.

Lastly, I beg all of you to pray, prepare, repent and convert before everything is too late! My angel, before I say good-bye let us pray first a short prayer. Before I depart I want to give all of you My blessings. Bow your heads as I bless all of you. My angel, this is the schedule for next months apparition: Pray, pray, pray! I love you all!

Virgo Maria


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary
June 1, 1996 at 5:00 P.M.

28th Public Apparition

My dearly beloved sons and daughters, Peace!

I ask all of you to please continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Prepare yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. Pray, pray, pray, prepare, prepare, prepare! Pray the Rosary everyday for the conversion of sinners, for the Pope and for the whole Church. I love you all My children, but some of you do not want to listen to Me, they do not want to hear Me, they are rejecting Me! O! What a great sorrow for a Mother like Me to be rejected by Her children! Repent now before everything is too late, make reparation for the blasphemies committed by men against God! Don't offend God anymore!

Prepare for the coming of the Chastisement, you already know the things to prepare and the things to do. What else do you need? What else? Penance, penance, penance! I love you very, very, very much! Receive the Light of My Immaculate Heart! I am the Mother of the Sacred Heart, those who want to get closer to Jesus, come and take My Hand! I'm here to lead you to Jesus and to His Church.

Please repent now, turn away from your sins and go back to the arms of God. My message is a message of encouragement, Peace, Love and Unity. I'm here to heal the wounds of fear, war, hatred and division. Be united dear children! I am the Mother of the Youth, I ask all young people to participate in My mission by promoting and spreading My messages of Love and Peace. Don't follow fashions, you must remain as you are. Pray the Rosary, don't forget to attend the Mass every Sunday with your family and your monthly Confession. I am very happy to see all of you here gathered in prayer and in love. May all of you remain that way! I love you all! Peace, peace, peace! Love one another as Jesus loves you!

Lastly, I want to say I love you again to all of you! Bow down your heads and receive My blessings. I bless all of you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I invite all of you to come back on the 1st Friday of this month for the apparition of Jesus. I love you all! Go now and have Peace!

Virgo Maria

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us


Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ
June 7, 1996 at 11:00 P.M.

25th Public Apparition

My dear, dear, dear, children, Peace!

Behold! My Sacred Heart is exposed for all of you to see! Make reparation for this Heart, pray, pray, pray! Consecrate yourselves to My Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother Mary. These Two Hearts will be your comfort and refuge during the Chastisement! Repent now! Prepare yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement! It is very, very, very, near. It is spreading fast like a fire! The clock of Justice is now running and you have a very, very, very short time to prepare!

About what is to prepare, we have given all of you the things you must know. What else do you need? What else? All I want from you is: "TOTAL CONVERSION". Is conversion a thing that is hard to give? Pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Pray for My vicar, Pope John Paul II, pray for all Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Nuns and for the whole Catholic Church. Pray also for more religious vocations, I need more priests and nuns to serve Me and to give glory to My Eternal Father in the coming Era of Peace! I am the Son of the Immaculate Heart, the Immaculate Heart leads you closer to Me. Please listen and love the Immaculate Heart of My Mother Mary. Always remember that My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother is inseparable. So please, love and respect My Mother. Don't offend My Heavenly Father anymore! Don't offend Me anymore by your sinful ways!

Don't forget to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every Sunday with your family, pray the Rosary everyday, and your monthly Confession. Don't forget to wear the Sign of your consecration and that is the Brown Scapular. Wear also the Medal of Good Salvation, My Mother promised that whosoever wear the Medal of Good Salvation together with the Scapular, they shall receive these special graces:

1. Peace of your families
2. You shall receive graces both material and spiritual
3. When you die, you will be accompanied by My Mother an She will lead you straight to Heaven.

I love you all My children, even though sometimes you repay My love with your ingratitude. Please try to love Me also... Lastly, I want to say I love you very, very, very much!

My angel, this is the schedule for the next apparition in July:

My angel, come and join Me in prayer.

Dear children, thank you very much for giving Me your time in listening to My messages, hope to see you next month. I want to see you in great numbers!

Go now and have Peace!

Jesus Christ

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