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Messages from HeavenJESUS JULY 1996
Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ 26th Public Apparition My dearly, beloved sons and daughters, Peace! Receive the Light of My Sacred Heart and the love of My Divine Mercy! I am very, very, very glad to see all of you gathered in this Holy Place to listen to our messages and pleas. Continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world, continue preparing yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement! You are now witnessing all the signs and wonders concerning My Father's wrath. All of you are very hard headed! I have sent My Mother Mary to this world so that all of you may be warned, but what are you doing? Instead of listening to Her and helping Her to spread My Father's messages, you are continually rejecting Her and denying all the truths concerning the messages! You are so very hard headed! Tell Me dear children, what must I do in order that all of you will believe Me and My Mother? Come and tell Me! I'm not angry, I'm just trying and telling you My feelings and My Mother's feelings. It is very painful for Us to be rejected and denied by you... If you only know! Please pray, pray, and pray! My Sacred Heart is bleeding because of the sins of mankind. Make reparation for it every 1st Friday of the month. My merciful Heart is waiting for all of you to come back. Pray for Peace and Unity! My angel, come and let us pray the prayer for Peace. That prayer, the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi is the best prayer to win Peace, to bring Peace in the World, on every nation, in every race, in every person and in everybody's heart! Pray the Chaplet of Mercy after you prayed the Holy Rosary. Pray for Pope John Paul II, your vicar is not safe! Pray for the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Nuns and for the whole Catholic Church. Pray for all visionaries because their task and their mission is very, very, very hard! Pray for the stop of Abortion! How many more innocent babies are going to be killed and destroyed?! The Chastisement is very, very, very near, you can now do the countdown using the 10 fingers of your hands! So prepare, prepare, prepare! Ask My forgiveness and I will give it to you. I'm now absolving all your sins! Go now, your sins are forgiven! (Writer's note: This is addressed to those present in the apparition site) Learn to be meek, humble and modest in everything you do and in every word you say! Come again tomorrow with hearts full of joy and adoration, My Mother will be waiting for all of you.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us MARY JULY 1996
Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary 29th Public Apparition My dear children, Peace! Continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Continue to prepare yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. It is very, very, very near! Prepare, prepare, prepare! Receive the Light of My Immaculate Heart! This Heart of your Loving Mother is very pleased to see all of you here, gathered in prayer and in love. Little children, please listen and hear all My messages before everything is too late. My Son has sent Me to give you the Heavenly Father's messages, so please listen to Me. Be thankful to Jesus because He allowed Me to give prophecies and messages, if not, what will you do? So I beg all of you My hard headed children to listen to Me and to hear My pleading voice! I'm here to give you messages of hope and encouragement, I'm not here to scare or harm you, I'm here to love you! Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under My Shadow and protection? Why do you fear, if you are in My cloak and if you are in My arms? Am I not here who am your Mother? What else do you need? What else? Pray for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Pray also for Unity among priests. Pray for your priests. That they may continue to take care of the flock which Jesus entrusted to them and to protect the faith of God's people! I Love you all dear children! My angel, come and let us pray for pardon and forgiveness. Pray and Pray and Pray! Help Me by your prayers, help Me win this battle against My adversary. Don't let your hearts be buried in hate and sin, instead learn to forgive and love those who are very hard for you to love. Take the example of My Son, Jesus is meek and humble of Heart. Pray for the Pope he is in great danger! Pray for the stop of Abortion, everyday I'm weeping and grieving for those little ones who do not have a chance to see the world God created for them, everyday many innocent babies are being aborted because of shame and selfishness! But now, I'm begging My Son to let Me take the innocent ones to Heaven to be little cherubim's who will sing praises to God! Little children, all of you are very precious to Me, you are like one of My rings! The Philippines has a great place in My Heart, let Me call this nation: "THE JEWEL OF MY CROWN"! I love you all! Lastly, I want you to know that I love you very much! Through the kiss I have bestowed on your Rosaries, My Son will perform prodigies. My angel, this is the schedule for the next month's apparition: Go now and have Peace!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us JESUS AUGUST 1996
Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ 27th Public Apparition My dear sons and daughters, Peace! Peace! Continue to pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world, prepare for the coming of the very Great Chastisement! Prepare, prepare, and prepare! My next message for all of you who are gathered here is still the same. Yes the same, My call for prayer, conversion and repentance. Please, convert now, repent now, pray harder. Ask My Mother to help you and She will not refuse or forsake you. Little children, My Father and I is very much offended, when will you stop? When will you open your eyes to the truth, when will your ears to hear the good news, when will you open your hearts to Me, to My Father and to My Mother? Enough please! You will be punished for what you are doing! Abortion, drugs, destroying the Nature, lack of prayer, lack of respect to priests, and many, many, may more! When will you end all these evil things? The Chastisement is coming but before that the awaited Warning will come, don't be shocked if one of these days all of you will experience the awaited Warning. Open your eyes to the reality of the messages, don't reject it anymore, don't even say that it is only a hoax or an imagination! One of these days the truth will come out, all our predictions will come true as we have given it to our chosen visionaries and seers, one of these days! Reent now! Don't let Satan enter in your hearts, My enemy is doing his best to destroy My Church but he will never win if you will only help Me and My Mother to spread My messages. I am the Good shepherd, I know them and they know Me, anyone who hears My voice will be saved. I am the Good Shepherd. I love you all! What do you want My children? Come and ask Me, write it down if you like it. Remember to give thanks to the Father whenever He answers your prayers because He likes to be reminded of His Goodness. Pray, pray, pray! The time of mercy has come to an end you are now in the time of Justice. You'll see more, you'll feel more, you'll experience all the signs concerning the Chastisement. Pray for priests. Lack of respect for priests is also a lack of respect for Me. Don't judge them but pray for them Lastly, I want you to know that I love you all and come again tomorrow for my Mother's apparition with hearts more humble and loving! I love you all! Peace!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us MARY AUGUST 1996
Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary 30th Public Apparition Greetings dear children! Peace! I want all of you here to pray the Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world. Continue preparing yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the very Great Chastisement. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Don't offend God anymore because He is already offended. God is very much offended! I know that all of you are trying to please Him and do good things but evil is much stronger, why? Because of your lackness in prayer. I ask all of you to pray, pray, and pray! I repeat, the time of Mercy has come to an end and you are in the time of God's Justice, He is very much offended! So He sends to all of you His anger through the Archangel URIEL (The Angel of Justice). You'll see more, you'll feel more, hold My word, hold My word. God is very much offended! Are you not afraid of what you are doing? Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Little children, if you do not know what you are doing, then I'll let you know: You are hurting God, your own Creator! As I have said, you'll see more, you'll feel more and you'll experience more the signs and punishment from God, here is the list of what will happen:
1. The Sun will spin with a great explosion Last but not the least: the 3 days of darkness! Also known as the Great Chastisement! But before the Chastisement, the awaited Warning will come, don't be shocked if one of these days all of you will experience the Warning. God is very much offended, God is very much offended! Enough, please! Stop it now or you will pay for it! Stop it now! I am not given the chance anymore to hold back the hands of God! It is too much! When will you stop? I am asking all of you to please don't offend God anymore! Pray the Rosary, pray for peace, you already know what I'm asking of you so please do it, please I beg you, surrender yourselves completely to God and love the messages I'm giving you! Don't reject the messages anymore, it is for your own good. I repeat once more, God is very much offended! Are you heeding My messages or you are just taking it for granted? Pray, pray, pray! Come My angel, let us pray for pardon. Never listen to the voice of My adversary, take refuge in My Immaculate Heart! My children, this is the schedule for the next month apparition: Lastly, I want you to know that I love you very much but please stop offending God. I love you all! Peace! To Jesus, through My Immaculate Heart together with St. Joseph! JESUS SEPTEMBER 1996
Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ 28th Public Apparition My beloved sons and daughters, Peace! I'm very pleased to see all of you here gathered in prayer, sacrifice and love! Continue praying, pray the Holy Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world, prepare for the coming of the Chastisement and also for the coming of the Warning. You already know what things to prepare and the things to do. But there is one single question: Are you prepared spiritually for its coming? Ask this question to yourselves 100 times and you will know if you are spiritually prepared or not. Once again, I ask all of you to repent, convert and be sorry for your sins. Ask the help of My beloved Mother and She will not refuse you. Just call upon Her saying: Mother, help me! She will come and help you immediately. Pray Her Rosary, by praying the Rosary, you are meditating upon My life and My Mother's life, from the Annunciation to the Coronation. Pray also the Chaplet of Mercy, by praying the Chaplet of Mercy you are lessening the anger of My Father but it does not mean that He will not send the Chastisement anymore. Remember, you are 1000 times worse than the people of Noah's time! This earth must be purified, by the coming of the Chastisement this sinful world will be cleansed and a New Earth will be born! Do you want to enter the Reign of Peace?
![]() Some of you will enter, some of you will not because of your sins. Some of you will die as martyrs during the Chastisement. Look at this Heart, full of love for all of you! Please try to love this Heart even just a little! Love also the Heart of My Mother Mary. On the foot in the person of St. John My beloved Apostle. My Mother loves you very, very, very much! If you can only feel Her love for all of you will surely say that you are the happiest person in the world. She lets all of you feel Her love, but you are not accepting that great love. Please love Her too, I ask all of you, She is your Mother. I want all of you to know that I love you very much! Pray for My vicar Pope John Paul II, pray for all priest and nuns. Lastly, I want to invite all of you on September 8, 5:00 P.M. for the apparition of My Mother and also Her glorious birthday. I love you all, Peace!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us MARY SEPTEMBER 1996
Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary 31st Public Apparition My dear children, Peace! All of you are gathered here for the celebration of My birthday! Peace, peace, peace! I love you very much! Pray the Rosary for Peace and Unity of the whole world, prepare yourselves and your whole family for the coming of the Warning. I'm not given the chance to hold back the Hands of God anymore! Be prepared! Penance, penance, penance! I am the Lady of the Rosary, who appeared at Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Garabandal, Medjugorje, Lipa, Agoo and many more. At Fatima, many witnessed the Miracle of the Sun, boy and girl, slave or free, but what happened? All My messages are being rejected... Many of My seers are being persecuted, laughed at and being judged. Dear children, I'm very, very, very sad... I know that all of you are trying to comfort Me, but that is not enough unless you turn away from your sins. Be converted, please! Stop offending God! I came down from Heaven to let you know that God loves you so much and there is still hope. I'm very, very, very sad because some of you are rejecting My messages... Why? Do you have to see Miracles before you believe? The greatest miracle that I can give you is the miracle of love! Love on another as Jesus has loved you, serve one another and be humble. My children, how many times I have asked you to consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for world peace? But it seems that your response is very, very, very, very slow. Why? My children, why? Let My Immaculate Heart reign side by side together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus in every place from the church to the tiniest chapel, from palaces to the poorest hut. My children, DO YOU LOVE ME? If you really love Me, you must also LOVE THE BEADS OF THE ROSARY. I cannot refuse all of you because all of you are My children, Jesus entrusted all of you to Me at the foot of the Cross. Penance, penance, penance! Do some acts of reparation which is very pleasing in the eyes of God! I want to say one word before I give all of you My blessings. I want to say :I LOVE YOU! If you only knew how much I love you, you would cry for joy! I want all of you to receive My blessings. You already have My special blessings, it shall be with you until the Reign of Peace! You are all invited! My angel, this is the schedule for the next apparition: MARY NOVEMBER 1996
Private Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary My dear sons and daughters, Peace! I ask all of you to pray, pray and pray! Penance, penance, penance! Pray the Rosary with more trust, love and devotion. Conversion and preparation is what I always ask... Please prepare yourselves for the coming of the Great Cold, prepare for the coming of the Great War, prepare for the coming of the Warning, of the Miracle and the Great Chastisements! The coming of War shall bring great destruction, sorrow and anguish... Many people will die hour by hour... Those who will survive these events will envy the ones who died because everywhere they look around.. he will see nothing but anguish! The time is fast approaching, are you not aware of the signs? Satan will conquer the minds of great scientists which will enable them to create a weapon, a great weapon that can destroy the earth in a minute! All will bow down to Satan, emperors, empress, kings, queens, princess, and princesses, minister and presidents who will acknowledge him as a master... You will feel the Great Cold, 100%! No excuse from the anger of God! Even your eyes, ears and nose will bleed because of the Cold! As I have promised, today is the Feast of St. Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr and Patroness of Music, I will give instructions of what to prepare for the coming of the Great War.
1. Blessed Grapes These things will help you during the Great War. Prepare all necessary things before everything is too late! Go little children and make it known! Pray, penance and preparation!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us JESUS DECEMBER 1996
Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from Our Lord Jesus Christ 29th Public Apparition My little ones, Pray! Pray more! Behold My Sacred Heart burning with love for all of you! I have the power to forgive all of you and now all your sins are forgiven. (Writer's note: This is only for those who are present in the apparition site.) As I have promised, we will give the Formal Messages about the coming events in the year 1997. My Blessed Mother will be the One to give it to you tomorrow. Whatever She tells you, you must follow because the appointed time is coming! The messages is about the coming of:
1. The Great Cold The Great Chastisement, cannot be averted anymore! If you like it or not it will come to purify and cleanse this sinful world. Little ones be prepared! The anger of My Father is now at the maximum state! Justice must take place! My Mother Mary always gives you messages, please listen to Her... The Formal Messages that My Mother will give tomorrow must be followed! MAITREYA, THE ANTI-CHRIST is now doing his mission, he is Satan in flesh! My mortal enemy! He will use his evil powers to control everybody and all will bow down to him and acknowledge him as a master... Some will give up their faith... Some will be killed and martyred because of their true faith to Me. All these things must take place. Just follow our messages and be firm in your faith! My Mother loves all of you so much! She will give all the details tomorrow. Pray more! Pray more! Prepare all! Listen to My Mother! I will come back again tomorrow, I will accompany My Mother here for Her messages. I love you all!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us MARY DECEMBER 1996
Message received by Allan Gentle E. Rudio from the Blessed Virgin Mary 33rd Public Apparition My dear little ones, pray! Pray, pray, pray, pray more! Prepare, prepare, prepare! As I have promised tonight I will give the Formal Messages, one thing I wish, please follow all the instructions that I will give tonight. Prepare My children, prepare for the coming of the Great Cold, prepare for the coming of 3rd World War, prepare for the coming of the Warning, Miracle and the Great Chastisement! The coming of the Great War will bring destruction, hunger and sorrow! Satan will influence the minds of Great Scientists which will enable them to create a weapon, strong enough to destroy the earth in a minute! Just sorrow... anguish... hunger... Those who will survive these great events will even envy the ones who have died because everywhere he looks, he can see nothing but anguish! Prepare for the coming of the Great War, I have given you already the Preparations for the War last November 22 - Feast of St. Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr and the Patroness of Music. Follow those instructions, please. The coming of the Great Cold, prepare for it also. The coming of the Great Cold is a natural one, it will come from the Hands of God. Even your eyes, ears, and nose will bleed because of the Cold! How to prepare: Prepare wool blankets, jackets, winter clothes, gloves and clothes that will make you warm. There is a natural way to make yourselves warm, I'm advising the men to let your hair grow to the shoulders like the hair of Jesus. To the women, let your hair grow to the waist like my hair. You must follow these instructions or else you will die! Prepare for the coming of this great event. The time will come when Emperors, King and Queen will bow down to Satan who will be their master of darkness! Maitreya is Satan himself! Do not receive the mark of the Beast, it will be a do or die situation! I Myself will put the Sign of the Cross on your forehead because I love you all! Pray more! All these things must take place! On the 1st Saturday of January I will give the requirements for the coming of the Reign of Peace, it will be for all of you but specially those who will really enter and if you will survive these events! You will see more! You will feel more! Pray more and I love you all! Little lambs, I love you all! The Formal Messages is not yet finished, I will be the one to give the 2nd part on the first Friday of January. I love you all!
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Have, mercy on us