Table of Contents -- FDR vs. Churchill
The American System Against the British Empire
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The Other War; FDR's Battle Against Churchill and the British
Empire, by Lonnie Wolfe, The American Almanac, August 28, 1995.
- Roosevelt's "Grand Strategy" To Rid The World Of British
Colonialism: 1941-1945, by Lawrence K. Freeman, The American Almanac, July 14,
- FDR vs. Wall Street: Morgan's Fascist Plot Against the United States, And How It Was Defeated,by
L. Wolfe
- Part I, The American Almanac, July 4, 1994
- Part II, The American Almanac, July 11, 1994
- Part III, The American Almanac, July 18, 1994
- Part IV, The American Almanac, July 25, 1994
- Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address, made March 4, 1933. Printed
in The American Almanac, April 21, 1997.
- Leave this site for: How The Harriman Gang Started The Cold War,
by Webster Tarpley, The American Almanac, November 13, 1995.
Leave this site for: Britain's Pacific War Against The U.S. In The Age of the
Anglo-American "Special Relationship", by Webster Tarpley, The Executive
Intelligence Review, May 12, 1995.
Roosevelt's TVA: A Model For Global Development, printed in The
Executive Intelligence Review, June 12, 1998.
- American Exceptionalism In The 20th Century, by
Jeffery Steinberg. Printed in
the Executive Intelligence Review, October, 1998.
- Review of The Chairman: John J. McCloy, by Kai Bird:
- How Our World Was Nearly Destroyed, by
Lyndon LaRouche. Printed in
the Executive Intelligence Review, October, 1998.
- How Mr. Fix-it Nearly Wrecked The World, by
Stuart Rosenblatt. Printed in
the Executive Intelligence Review, October, 1998.
- Churchill's Plans for WWIII. Printed in
the Executive Intelligence Review, October, 1998.
- British Aimed For End of Germany, Not Nazism. Printed in
the Executive Intelligence Review, October, 1998.
- What's Wrong With Nuclear Disarmament?. Printed in
the Executive Intelligence Review, October, 1998.
- Dropping the Atomic Bomb:
- Of What Is Leo Szilard Guilty?, by Lyndon LaRouche.
Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, July 1, 1994.
- What Sudoplatov Failed to Mention: British Geopolitics and the Atom
Bomb, by Carol White. Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, July 1,
- Leave this site for: Hiroshima: Hamlet Bombs Out, by Lyndon
LaRouche, press release, August 7, 1995.
- Leave this site for: The Wells of Doom. Strategic Studies: Today's Nuclear
Balance of Power re: Wells, Russell, Szilard and World Government Dogma, by Lyndon LaRouche.
Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, December 10, 1997.
- Leave this site for: The World Set Free, by H.
G. Wells, 1913. The nuclear bomb, the end of war, and the introduction of the one world state.